Hi Joakim,

Thanks so much for the answers and they helps a lot. It's much clear right now.

Best regards,

 Ye Li

From: Joakim Hove <joakim.h...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 6:50 AM
To: Ye Li; opm@opm-project.org
Subject: Re: [Opm] About json (jsonObject) class in the "opm-common" module.

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1, in the Class ParserKeyword,  a new data type "Json::JsonObject" was 
introduced.   I don't understand what the purpose for this new data.  If we 
just use Class ParserItem and Class ParserRecord, could the parse process be 

In principle you do not need the Json; the whole purpose of the Json thing is 
to configure (compile time) the keywords which are recognized by the parser. 
The keywords are configured using json files: 
 - the use of Json for this is an implementation detail, any other input 
format, or just plain C++ code could in principle have been instead. I am one 
of the main guilty behind that system, and personally I think it has worked 
well. Others might disagree.

Common components for OPM, in particular build system (cmake). - OPM/opm-common

> 2, is the json in "opm-common" the same as the JSON (Open-Standard File 
> Format) ?


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