Dear all,

I am a retired reservoir engineer looking to engage the US Shale Development 
Community in a conversation about the pitfalls of relying too heavily on early 
time production statistics for development planning decisions. To make my 
points, though, I need to do some modeling, and OPM Flow appears to be an 
option worth considering. I've had a bit of a struggle so far, as I've been 
reminded of how heavily I relied on corporate experts and the Schl-j help desk 
to get my models up and running. I have finally managed to get a model to 
initialize, but am now encountering horrible convergence problems, resulting in 
pressure building to well above Pi in cells adjacent to the fracture cells and 
the runs eventually crashing. I don't know if it's the solver logic or my 
model. I have attached a copy of the DATA file. If there's anyone out there 
with the time and expertise to help me out, I would be very grateful. Cheers! - 

Attachment: TEST.DATA
Description: TEST.DATA

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