Hi Morgan, all,

regarding VNF catalogues, I saw that you also placed on the wiki a link to the 
google spreadsheet [1] which was circulated by Christian on other lists. On 
this spreadsheet we are collecting all open source toolkits which could be used 
for SDN/NFV experimentation. This content will be soon migrated into a 
dedicated Wiki hosted by the IEEE SDN initiative. This is an activity currently 
led by us (Fraunhofer FOKUS/TU Berlin) and University of Campinas and supported 
by a large number of other entities. More info here [2].

Please let us know if you (or anybody else in this list) would like to actively 

[2] http://www.sdn-os-toolkits.org/


Join us at the IEEE 5G Week in November in Berlin (http://www.berlin5gweek.org/)

On 09 Sep 2016, at 08:34, 
morgan.richo...@orange.com<mailto:morgan.richo...@orange.com> wrote:


it is a task identified in Functest for D
I created an internship proposal (see Title: Open Source VNF catalog 
inhttps://wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/Functextnexttaks ) on this topic
Bertand got the green light to be a co-mentor so we will publish it soon (this 

One of of our goal for D is to have more VNFs following the rules we setup when 
we integrated cloudify/vIMS clearwater/Signaling test suite as shared during 
the summit.
We will try to learn VNF onboarding and MANO by doing
Yesterday during the Test working group meeting there was a presentation of 
Open Air Interface (see presentation here: 
https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings/TestPerf), we hope we could integrate 
their vEPC in Functest for D (using Juju as VNFM as they already did the 


Le 09/09/2016 à 01:16, Prakash Ramchandran a écrit :
Hi all,

We in   OPNFV Dovetail  as well opnfv-mano-wg ,would like to revisit and see 
what VNFs are available mainly  through Open Source and may be  through 
Licensing by OPNFV members.

This will help compliance use case testing and   newer projects Opera, 
Orchestra, Domino as well multi-release Parser, Copper and Model to build their 
use case to test around what is available.

Please update with what you have or know to enable us helping define what 
descriptors / image formats are available for us to help zero on what we can 
use or leverage in Release D and later.



Prakash Ramchandran
<Mail Attachment.png> R&D USA
FutureWei Technologies, Inc
Email: prakash.ramchand...@huawei.com<mailto:s.c...@huawei.com>
Work:  +1 (408) 330-5489
Mobile: +1 (408) 406-5810
2330 Central Expy, Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA

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Morgan Richomme

Network architect for innovative services
Future of the Network community member
Open source Orange community manager

tel. +33 (0) 296 072 106
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