Hi all:

Here is the minutes of dovetail weekly meeting

Minutes of DoveTail Discussion

  *   Date and Time: Friday at 
 UTC, September 9, 2016
  *   Convener: Hongbo Tian (Huawei)
  *   Participants:
     *   Bin Hu (AT&T)
     *   Lawrence Lamers (VMware)
     *   Yang Yu (Huawei)
     *   Christopher Price (Ericsson)
     *   Pierre Lynch (IXIA)
     *   Prakash (Huawei)
     *   Sajeev Manikkoth (IEEE)
     *   Zhijun Tang (BII)
     *   Wenjing Chu (Huawei)
     *   Tetsuya Nakamura (Cablelabs)


  *   Review action item
  *   Proposal for the dovetail software
  *   Proposal for Test plan list
  *   Other issues.

Discussion & Action Item

  *   Detailed discussion could be found in the following links:
     *   Minutes:             
     *   Minutes (text):    
     *   Log:                    
     *   Minutes from last week for reference:
  *   Suggestion and Agreement
     *   For AI1, there is a conflict between C&C and dovetail meeting, Hongbo 
will report in next C&C meeting.
     *   For AI2, Bin has committed a patch last week
        *   https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/20719/
     *   Chris suggest to finish the testing framework before plugfest and 
running in plugfest
        *   Chris suggest to focus on the C&C criteria in testing template
        *   Bin suggest base test cases for OPNFV platform
           *   Add-on test cases could bring more values
        *   Wenjing suggest to do the test cases list and template 
        *   An action item for Chris to send a mail about his thinking of the 
        *   Wenjing suggest Chris and Bin to work on the IPv6 template 
regarding the testing structure
           *   Wenjing suggest to send out the structure when finished in the 
right way for some comments
     *   Hongbo help send out email to Aric to check out the Dovetail test 
software branch method
     *   Wenjing suggest to cooperate with Functest & Yardstick by referring to 
general approach that Dovetail will use
     *   Hongbo introduce the test cases in WIKI
        *   https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/dovetail/Dovetail+test+use+cases
        *   Prakash suggest to derive the details of the test case which could 
be part of our test plan
           *   Prakash suggest to do more description of test case, e.g. 
etherpad link for each test case
           *   Wenjing suggest one document for one test case to avoid confusing
           *   Add status description and etherpad for comment
           *   Wenjing suggest to use this list as vehicle and review the test 
cases one by one
           *   Agreed test cases can then to to jira for document & code 
     *   Hongbo call for more contributors to Dovetail
     *   Prakash suggest to have a discussion about Dovetail issue in IRC 
meeting next week
        *   Wenjing suggest to pick a time that most people could attend
  *   Action items

     *   Hongbo to take the currently identified dovetail areas for test 
proposal and present them to the C&C committee asking for feedback.
     *   Chris and Bin to work on the IPv6 template regarding the testing 
structure, and Chris send out a mail about his thinking of the template.
     *   Leo to discuss with funtest team for details of the dovetail tool 
     *   Hongbo help to send out email to check out the Dovetail test software 
branch method with Aric
     *   Hongbo to add two Colums including the status and comment 
(etherpad)for the test cases of proposal list on the wiki.
     *   Hongbo to help to pick one time slot for the dovetail discussion by 
Best Regards

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