
That's a big page so I'm not sure where to put this input, but here are some 
things in scope for Danube:

* Models: several new VNFs and VNFM tests, some already listed at Some of these will be used in 
the Colorado Plugfest - see the "VNF Portability" section on the page VNFMs will 
include Tacker, Cloudify, OpenBaton, etc. The tests will focus on simple to 
medium-complexity VNFs, specific TOSCA-based resource requirements as supported 
by those VNFMs, and YANG-based application control via ODL.

* VES: Deployment of a VES Hello World VNF, and reference (real) VNFs 
integrated with VES

* Copper: additional policy test cases

Bryan Sullivan | AT&T

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 8:09 AM
To: Jose Lausuch <>; serena feng 
<>; Jose Lausuch <>; 
Tikkanen, Viktor (Nokia - FI/Espoo) <>; Kosonen, Juha 
(Nokia - FI/Espoo) <>; Gaynor, Colum (Nokia - FI/Espoo) 
<>; Haapavirta, Juha (Nokia - FI/Espoo) 
<>; Kamsali, Raghavendrachari 
<>; Meimei <>; valentin 
boucher <>
Subject: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [OPNFV] [functest] [D release]


based on the discussion initiated during last Functest weekly meeting, I
created the Danube page for the project.

as mentioned in the beginning of the page, this page is a draft....

The goal is to collect element to prepare the D release.

Functest evolutions are expected in

- the Functest framework (reflexion on the relations between the test
projects (API), dockerization, CI evolution, reporting, dashboard)

- new tools and libs

- the new tests (unit, functional, VNF onboarding,...)

If you want to participate to Functest D release feel free to modify the
page and/or create new pages referenced from this one

You can also obviously use the mailing list or meet us during the weekly
meeting (Every Tuesday 8 AM UTC #opnfv-functest)



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