Hi all:

Here is the dovetail weekly meeting minutes:

Minutes of DoveTail Discussion

  *   Date and Time: Friday at 
 UTC, October 7, 2016
  *   Convener: Hongbo (Huawei)
  *   Participants:
     *   Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)
     *   Sajeev Manikkoth (IEEE)
     *   Leo Wang (Huawei)
     *   Mika Rautakumpu (Nokia)
     *   Wenjing Chu (Huawei)

  *   Agenda:
     *   Approval of the last minutes
     *   Update proposal for Dovetail tool prototype
     *   Update proposal for Test plan list
        *   Discuss how to select the test cases for the dovetail
     *   Other issues.
Discussion & Action Item

  *   Minutes: 
  *   Minutes (text): 
  *   Log: 
  *   Minutes from last week for reference:


-          There was confusion in the GTM meeting number for Dovetail calls 
that caused delays. IRC was not active either with meeting info.

o   AI: Hongbo to work with LF to fix meeting number.

o   AI: All meeting information should be clearly listed in wiki page top 
level. Look for other projects for example.

o   AI: future meetings should have IRC channel active too… unless there’s 
agreement otherwise. We need volunteer to keep minutes and to man the IRC.

-          Because of low attendance, agenda was modified to focus on how to 
clean up the Dovetail wiki page. These ideas were discussed:

o   In top level: we could remove some misc. items that no longer needed, the 
remaining sections are: (1) test case requirement (2) test cases (ie the 
tables) (3) dovetail tool information. (4) meeting information, agenda, and 
meeting minutes.

o   In the test case table page: it was suggested that the last column be used 
for URL links to test cases in the repo. And detailed test case is kept in the 
repo. It was also suggested at the left of the table to add a column for 
alpha-numeric labeling for easy reference of each case. At the end of this page 
we found some misc. discussions which could be cleaned up or removed. Some text 
cleanup may be needed throughout the page too.

o   In the dovetail tool page: we should provide more information here about 
the tool, e.g. a link for users to get a chance to play with the tool, and a 
FAQ for common questions. The page also can use some general cleanup.

o   For the test case requirement page: maybe update with the finalized c&c 
governance document/feedback.

-          It was noted that the dovetail meeting agenda, info, irc, and 
minutes weren’t being prepared/done as thoroughly and as regularly as required. 
Agenda should be sent earlier to improve meeting participation. AI: Hongbo 
should take steps to correct this as suggested.

-          We should look at requirements to the dovetail-tool again based on 
c&c requirements. Missing features need to identified and entered into Jira, 
assigned asap. Put this to next week’s agenda. These missing features were 

o   Review the report/log info and see if it is sufficient

o   Test result signage with certificate for authentication

o   Upload test result for c&c committee to examine

-          AI: Leo to produce a sample test result log for review by Dovetail.

If I missed something, please let me know.

Best Regards

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