Hello Ehsan,

I included the OPNFV SFC email list so that others that may have similar questions to yours can benefit from this information.

A much better document to use for OPNFV SFC is the Colorado design document [0].

To answer your first question: Yes there should be an IP for the SFs (each SF will be in their own VM) and SFFs.

If you look at section 5.7 of [0] you'll see there are 2 SFs, each in their own VM, and also clients and servers, each of which will also be in their own VM and of course each will have their own IP.

As for your question about the packet receiver, the client VMs will know the IPs of the server VMs, and possibly vice-versa. But the client and server VMs should never know the IPs of the SF VMs. Typically the clients and servers never even realize that service chaining is being applied to the the packets. The way client traffic will be [optionally] directed toward service chaining is controlled by the classifier, which you can see in section 5.7. The classifier will have classification rules that when matched, will send the packets to SFC or just send them on to their original destination. An example classification rule may be all packets with dest TCP port = 80 (all HTTP traffic) or there could be rules that match on source IP, in which case all client VM traffic.

Currently in OPNFV SFC, the classifier is implemented by the ODL Netvirt project. Netvirt handles all the networking for all of the VMs.

When a classification rule is matched, the packets will be sent to a particular service chain. When the packets have traversed the service chain, the original packets will be sent on to their original destination.

So to answer your original question, the client VM should send packets to the server VM, and the classifier will decide if the packets will first be sent to a service chain, or just sent to the original destination.



[0] http://artifacts.opnfv.org/sfc/colorado/docs/design/index.html

On 01/01/17 08:23, Ehsan Tadayon wrote:


I am newbie in opendaylight SDN Controller. I saw some your presentations (OPNFV summit) about Service Function Chaining and they was awesome. I understand the role of each component of the SFC. However, I have a problem regarding implementation of my sample scenario. As you see in attachment, is there an IP address for each of SFs, SFFs and VMs? If it is, which one of them is packet receiver in real environment? In other words, when i want to send the traffic to a server, which IP address is correct?

Best regards


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