Hi Dovetailers,

I wanted to raise the topic of how we work with OpenStack tests in our OPNFV 
activities for compliance and verification.
Looking at the patches we are reviewing and Jira tasks around test cases there 
is a very large number of them which we pull directly from OpenStack and reuse. 
 Having talked with a few people, including meeting with the OpenStack guys in 
Barcelona, we might be able to perform our NFV relevant OpenSack test case 
selection in a more controlled manner in conjunction with the OpenStack 
community by extending refstack.

I would like to have a discussion about working with the interop WG in 
OpenStack to define a RefStack derivative for NVF that we could then apply in 
OPNFV.  Such a reference would be possible to build into our functest suite 
with minimal effort allowing it to be run in regular CI as part of our 
development and release process.  Then explicitly used in our CVP execution 
after release.

A few positives I see with this approach as opposed to manually selecting tests 
in DoveTail:

-          OpenStack / OPNFV alignment of relevant test cases (better interface 
support and longevity from OpenStack)

-          More immediate alignment with our development processes as we would 
inherit the suite directly into FuncTest

-          Less development effort, an NFV RefStack from OpenStack would come 
“ready to run”

-          Broader and more engaged test case selection activities.

I’d like to discuss this on the next dovetail meeting.
This should have minimal impact on our current plans, the dovetail toolchain 
would simply call ‘functest testcase run refstack_nfv’ to perform API testing 
from OpenStack.

While this obviously only part of our overall scope, I feel the discussion 
around tempest test case selection is taking a lot of time and could be done in 
an easier way.  This approach would allow our team to focus on OPNFV specific 
test case development rather than upstream selection.

This could of course extend to collaboration with other communities for NFV 
centric validation suites as part of our overall solution.  RefStack seems like 
a good place to start.

/ Chris
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