Hi folks

[barometer] Weekly Call Minutes <Feb 14 2017>

[ACTION]: Maryam to update 
https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/fastpath/Collectd+Metrics+and+Events to include 
events[In progress]
[ACTION]: Maryam to chase RDT patch [Done]
[ACTION]: Bryan to review agent code
[ACTION]: All - to review and update documentation
[ACTION]: Maryam to migrate documentation to new directory structure
Node up/down status work --> [ACTION] Maryam to send out more info on this 

**Highlight** Scope of barometer does not support out of band 

Upcoming Milestone: MS6 Feb 17th - Test case implementation and Preliminary 

  * Dev update: 
    * Apex
    * No new update.
* Test Update:
  * scripts were running under Colorado functest model, tests are being moved 
to Danube model.
      * Declaration files for functest have been created 
      * Tests are ready to be pushed in order to meet the milestone
      * Tests for ceilometer, hugepages, mcelog and ovs-events.
      * Tests will be under the Barometer name in functest. Tests will be split 
into additional classes under the project in the future.

* Barometer Scenario update
    * Yardstick - fix pushed for Nova flavor 
https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/28625/1 .
 - fuel deploy passing. Fix above should sort out yardstick.
* Functest health check is failing... [ACTION] Maryam to talk to fuel team to 
see if they are debugging this.

* VES update:
  * No change from last week.

* ETSI document: whether we can make the same measurements on virtual CPUs as 
we do physical CPUs.
  * The hypervisor just looks like another process - the cpu utilization it for 
that process itself rather than what we see for the physical cpu states across 
the board.
  * what you can access depends on where you run collectd [ACTION] Maryam to 
double check if this is available through libvirt as regards the CPU 
  * [TODO] run some tests on the host and the guest side to determine accuracy.
* Check networking also. First in isolation - then in combination.
  * [ACTION] Aaron to see if there's any additional info on this.

* Openconfig telemetry model - 
 - could be a useful model to leverage for control/Mgmt will be looking into 
this in the coming weeks.
* Monitoring Agents Comparative study
  * [ACTION] Maryam to create a wiki for this. --> Done 

Discussion topics wiki:

Agent configuration:
Should be able to dynamically:
* Enable/disable/or restart resource monitoring
* Get values/notifications
* Get capabilities
* Get the list of metrics being collected
* flush the list of metrics
* Set thresholds for resources
* blacklist resources
* support some sort of buffering mechanism, and should be able to configure
* get the timing information for the agent and do aTiming sync if required.

All the best

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