
For many of you that will be attending OpenStack Summit in Boston, I wanted
to give you a heads-up on a few items.

First, we will have a room available on Tuesday (May 9th) for
unconference/breakout sessions between 11:00 - 18:00.  We have a pretty
large ballroom (~200 people capacity), so there should be plenty of room
for several meetings happening simultaneously.  The MANO WG members already
have plans for a few sessions in the afternoon, so if others want to
schedule meetings/discussions please feel free to add your topics at

OPNFV will also have a booth Monday-Thursday and we'd love to have
community members volunteer at the booth.  You'll see the sign-up list at
the bottom of the wiki page, so I encourage people to sign-up for booth
duties (we'd like to see two volunteers for each slot)

Finally, you'll notice that we have an "Open Source Days" program on
Monday.  This is mainly geared towards 'Stackers who are not as familiar
with OPNFV.  However, we definitely welcome many of the
"experienced/seasoned" OPNFV community members to join us through out the


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