Sorry Bryan I missed your initial emails. Please see comments inline.


Helen Chen

Date: Monday, August 7, 2017 at 10:41 AM
To: "" <>
Cc: "''" 
<>, Helen Chen 00725961 
<>, Tina Tsou <>
Subject: [Auto] Seeking input to the Auto project creation review

FYI I added a summary of the points below to the Auto project proposal at

The Auto project supporters would like to get started ASAP on the project’s 
goals. While in principle I think the consensus is that a combined project 
(Opera+Auto) has some potential advantages, we would need to address the 
questions as noted on the wiki, as:

  1.  The Opera project may not get re-started with the necessary resources to 
complete the Open-O to ONAP transition, or at least soon enough. The Auto 
project supporters would thus like to proceed with minimal (as possible) 
dependency upon the evolved Opera project plans in the F release.
[HELEN] We currently have Huawei, China Mobile committed. Potentially we will 
have Orange, ZTE, and hopefully AT&T as well in this project. But right now, 
since we don’t have ANY stable ONAP image yet, we are focusing on a successful 
ONAP release. (Hope this make sense to you)

  1.  We may find that the technical approach to ONAP integration (e.g. how are 
the components deployed and integrated into tests) varies, for the different 
purposes of (1) deploying ONAP as a platform component on OPNFV PODs (Opera 
project scope), and (2) verifying specific ONAP component interop with OPNFV 
generic or scenario-specific features.
 [HELEN] Please give more clarification on (2).
If we can’t resolve the key question here soon enough (what are the Opera 
project’s plans for the F release, e.g. who Is committed to support that work 
and is that enough for success), we may just delay efforts to get organized 
around the Auto projects’ goals for the F release.
 [HELEN] If there’re more resource who are interested in this, could they come 
to help ONAP integration team at this moment? We currently need help on ONAP 
Developer Lab (any tools from OPNFV could help us to daily deployment on ONAP 
in developer lab?) ☺

I expect this to be a topic on this week’s TSC call (part of the creation 
review), and I request that anyone with an opinion on this (especially those 
that intend to support Auto or Opera in the F release) to provide input via 
this thread ahead of the call.

Bryan Sullivan | AT&T

Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 8:19 AM
To: 'Yunxia Chen' <<>>; 'Tina 
Tsou' <<>>
Subject: RE: [OPNFV confluence] Ulrich Kleber mentioned you on "Tc Agenda 


We had a discussion today on the takeaways from the call yesterday, to try to 
come to a broader consensus on the plan for how to achieve the Auto project’s 
proposed scope and the Opera project’s scope for F (ONAP integration). Here are 
the key questions I recommended we discuss over email before the TSC meeting:
1)       As noted by Uli there may be a dependency of Auto on Opera. What Opera 
project resources (developers) will be available in F to complete the ONAP 
integration (the “ONAP integration team” as I refer to them below)?
a.       In Auto we had not planned to necessarily deploy ONAP as a complete 
platform, but rather if possible to deploy the components that are needed to 
test the interop use cases in Auto’s scope.
b.       If we find that approach (partial ONAP install) is infeasible/unable 
to meet our goals, we will depend upon a complete ONAP platform install 
instead, either through Opera or as described for the LaaS proposal integrating 
ONAP and OPNFV into a multi-lab testbed 
environment<>. In this case, 
who from the Opera team would be available to work with us on one of those 
[HELEN] Please refer to my above comments.
2)       My overall recommendation is to keep the project overhead low, 
progress agile, and the approach flexible. Given ability to meet those goals, I 
don’t care where the work is done. Here are some questions that will help us in 
the decision per those goals:
a.       Can a combined project be organized as multiple, potentially loosely 
connected tracks?

                                                               i.      We need 
regular project meetings in order to make rapid progress. Would the ONAP 
integration team prefer to have their own meetings? Although we know there was 
a lot of work done on Open-O integration, we don’t see a lot of record of those 
meetings on the wiki etc. That’s OK, if the team (e.g. led by Harry) can 
deliver ONAP integration without a lot of involvement from the Auto project 
team (mostly US based). We want people to work the way they need to, to be 
successful. But given that we would still need calls for the progress on Auto 
scope, would you have any concerns that we have at least two tracks in the 
combined project?
[HELEN] I don’t have any preference on either way. But what do you think AUTO 
could do at this point?
b.       Here is how I view the three (at least) distinct focuses in the 
overall project. These will likely require different developers with different 
skill sets. Who will be available to support the first two?

                                                               i.      ONAP 
integration per current Opera: OPNFV installer support (if needed), or 
post-deploy install process (preferred)

                                                             ii.      VNF use 
case integration into Functest etc, ala vIMS, vCPE, etc

                                                            iii.      detailed 
functional interop test cases per the Auto proposal, using the Opera-installed 
ONAP, or discrete ONAP component install tools, or the cross-lab LaaS as above
c.       There will be multiple (in detail) ways to (1) deploy ONAP; (2) manage 
VNFs using it. While a single project can help us maximize common ground and 
synergy between different approaches, would you agree that a single project in 
OPNFV could approach those aspects using different technologies/processes? Some 

                                                               i.      HOT vs 
TOSCA (my preference), e.g. to deploy VNF use cases

                                                             ii.      Abstract 
vs VIM-specific APIs (a near-term VIM-diversity accommodation IMO)

                                                            iii.      OPNFV 
installer-dependent, or independent (my preference)

                                                            iv.      OpenStack 
vs Cloud-Native (my preference) ONAP deployment
[HELEN] Agree with you on those technologies/processes: in ONAP R1, we will use 
both HOT and TOSCA, but on different use cases. Maybe we could try different 
technologies with the same use case in OPNFV.

Bryan Sullivan | AT&T

From: Ulrich Kleber (OPNFV Confluence) []
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 7:26 AM
Subject: [OPNFV confluence] Ulrich Kleber mentioned you on "Tc Agenda 20170803"


Ulrich Kleber mentioned you on a page


Tc Agenda 

·         Discussion of Auto project 
 and @Bryan 
 and relation to Opera project
o    The two projects are complementary. Auto proposal depends on Opera.
o    Current Opera description in wiki needs to reflect ONAP and some 
personal/resource changes
o    Auto project is depending on Opera
o    We could save some overhead by doing in a single project but different 
teams and coordination in MANO WG is also fine
o    Agreed to proceed with creation review for Auto in TSC on next Tuesday.

[iew page 



[dd comment 






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