the trend line can cover a long period, it is based on the local file storing all the results but a trend line is associated with a scenario and the list of scenarios is built based on the results over the last 10 days
that is why if there is no run since 10 days, we have an empty page

In deed we have fortunately results for all the installers

[morgan@gce-opnfv-sandbox-fbrockners danube]$ cat scenario_history.txt |grep compass |wc -L
[morgan@gce-opnfv-sandbox-fbrockners danube]$ cat scenario_history.txt |grep fuel |wc -L
[morgan@gce-opnfv-sandbox-fbrockners danube]$ cat scenario_history.txt |grep apex |wc -L
[morgan@gce-opnfv-sandbox-fbrockners danube]$ cat scenario_history.txt |grep joid |wc -L

last run on
- compass: 28/8
- fuel: 11/8
- apex: 20/5
- joid: 3/8

The reporting page really reflects the CI activity, we could amend the reporting to consider all the scenarios stored in the local file rather than considering the scneario over the last 10 days...but empty pages mean something (no CI activity)

In Euphrates we introduced the scenario in the test API. It is not used yet but it should replace the local file


On 28/08/2017 09:33, Gaoliang (kubi) wrote:
"In functest we save the status after each release (Danube 1.0, Danube2.0, Danube 
3.0) in our repo"

That's a best practice for reporting.  We should followed that at E release :)

By the way, Is it possible to show the Trend picture even if there is  no data 
in last 10 days.  we may don't need to see the score and status which are 
calculated by last 10 day's result but a trend from one or two month result  
for each scenario.

Such as compass page, we can see the trend from April to August



[] 代表
发送时间: 2017年8月28日 14:47
收件人:; Lvjing (Jing Lu) <>;;
主题: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [yardstick] Yardstick Testresult Report???

regarding the reporting link, it always deals with a sliding windows processing the 
results from the last 10 days if no results since 10 days for the given version => 
no results so currently no Danube results, some runs on master =>

In functest we save the status after each release (Danube 1.0, Danube2.0, 
Danube 3.0) in our repo

it is possible to rebuild the status assuming that we save the scores in a local files 
but it will be just a "release status" and it will not be as detailed as the 
first link you mentioned.


On 26/08/2017 09:46, wrote:
And on the other hand, If I go to the below link it is showing empty,
How can I get the result of each Yardstick result performnace numbers
. Please help

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Morgan Richomme

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