Dear All

As we end 2017, we are also at the end of the existence of OPNFV as an 
independent organization with its own governance structure and Board.  We have 
held our last Board meeting, all the necessary documents for asset transfer and 
dissolution have been signed and are being executed - so the OPNFV organization 
as we knew it, no longer exists.

However, as we head into 2018, ALL of the technical activities of OPNFV will 
continue under the guidance of an independent TSC, under the auspices of the 
new Linux Foundation  Networking Fund (LFN). LFN will house all the technical 
activities of OPNFV, ONAP, ODL, and other joining organizations. The 
various (independent, eventually merit-based) TSCs will run the technical 
activities, and the LFN will control and allocate the funding, host events and 
run the common infrastructure required for all the projects. Our own TSC 
composition will continue as is to provide some continuity in leadership, with 
a new charter and various mechanisms to facilitate transition to a merit-based 
composition over time.
Since the foundation of OPNFV, the Board has tried to establish a framework for 
the activities within OPNFV, trying to shepherd the community towards the goals 
OPNFV was founded on.  We tried to do this while remaining responsive to the 
needs and desires of the OPNFV community. We had several Board members with 
strong ties to the technical activities of OPNFV, which helped us tremendously 
in this endeavor. We started humbly with an intentionally limited scope, but 
later removed these scope restrictions to cover the entire NFV architecture.

All of you in the technical community deserve our congratulations in getting us 
to where we are now. Our latest release - Euphrates (Release 5.0!) - allows for 
the choice of a variety of control planes, several data planes, supports 
VM-based and container-based virtualization mechanisms and integrates 
orchestration capabilities related to VNF onboarding and application 
management. It includes tools and features that provide increased visibility, 
and tackle service assurance, performance and security. As part of Euphrates, 
we now have also established a cross-community continuous integration (XCI) 
process with several upstream projects: OpenStack, ODL and  We are also 
about to launch a compliance and validation program that has completed its beta 
phase.  This is a far cry from where we started. Our software, processes and 
tooling artifacts address all aspects of the NFV architecture - the goal we had 
set out with three years ago. Clearly the coverage is not complete and there is 
a lot of work to be done, but I think we have proved to the industry that our 
goal was achievable, and that we have realized a major part of the original 

To all of  you who will continue your involvement with OPNFV , good luck with 
the journey ahead. On behalf of the Board, I wish you all well.

- Prodip
Prodip Sen
Chair, OPNFV Board of Directors

Chief Technology Strategist
HPE Pointnext
Hewlett Packard Enterprise.<>

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