
You've done a great job and we'll be sorry to see you go, as it's been a
well organized project.  You've certainly created some big shoes for Julien
to fill (and I'm sure he'll do a great job as well).  Thanks again for all
your hard work and leadership.


On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 2:06 AM, Jack Morgan <jack.mor...@intel.com> wrote:

> It is with great sorrow that I'm announcing that I will be stepping down
> as the Pharos PTL. It has been nearly two years since I took over the PTL
> role and I hope my contributions have been beneficial. I really appreciate
> all the help and support I've received from the community. I feel I've
> really gained from the experience.
> In the meanwhile, I would like to nominate Julien Zhang as the next Pharos
> PTL. He has been very active in the Pharos project this past year not just
> with gerrit patches, but also in documentation, Infra WG meetings and other
> Pharos projects.
> Committers, please vote +2/-2 for Julien as Pharos PTL.
> Thanks,
> --
> Jack Morgan
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*Lincoln Lavoie*
Senior Engineer, Broadband Technologies

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