Hi all,

There will be a Dovetail / OVP breakout session at the LFN dev forum at ONS 
[1]. The overall objective of the session is to talk about the future scope of 
OVP and Dovetail.

We have started to collect topics and input for the session on an etherpad [2]. 
Current highlights include

i)                    the test scope of the next OVP releases,

ii)                   identify gaps in the current test scope and create 
actionable items for closing them,

iii)                 collaboration with ONAP and ETSI

If you are interested in OVP/Dovetail, feel free to add more topics (and your 
name) to the etherpad and join the session. The session is scheduled for
Tuesday morning 10:15 - 11:30 in room K-Town (after the TSC call).

[2] https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/ons_devforum_dovetail_planning

Best regards
opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list

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