I use Pax Exam 4.11.0 and surefire plugin 2.20.1. The issue reproduces if I 
run Karaf as a separated process 

The issue is in communication between Surefire and PaxExam. Surefire uses 
System.in for communication between maven plugin's process and process 
where tests are running.

The cause of the issue is that KarafJavaRunner steals master commands from 
surefire's CommandReader because they use System.in for sending data 
between processes.

The flow:

   Maven plugin’s process creates fork JVM process where tests will be run.
   Test Fork’s process executes test with Pax Exam runner which creates new 
   fork process with Pax Exam Karaf container
   Test Fork’s process and Pax Exam’s process use the same  System.in and 
   System.out for sending and receiving data. It happens in the following 
   method: InternalRunner#createShutdownHook:
   final Pipe errPipe = new Pipe(process.getErrorStream(), 
   System.err).start("Error pipe");
   final Pipe outPipe = new Pipe(process.getInputStream(), 
   System.out).start("Out pipe");
   final Pipe inPipe = new Pipe(process.getOutputStream(), 
   System.in).start("In pipe");

   When Test's Fork process ends the execution of test it send message BYE 
   to Maven plugin process
   Maven plugin process sends BYE_ACK to Test's Fork process
   Pax Exam Fork process steals some bytes from Test's Fork process’s 
   Test's Fork process doesn't receive all data and throws an exception
   Test's Fork process calls "kill" command instead of "exit" and shutdown 
   hook won't be called.
   It follows to an issue with Jacoco. It doesn't fill report because it 
   happens when shutdown hook is called.
The discussion about the same issue you can find here:



I understand why you use System.out (for returning data from Karaf process 
to Test Fork process, e.g. logs).

But what is the reason to use System.in in Pax Exam? 

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