Hi Brian,

>>I think didn't explain my point sufficiently. I understand why you suggest 
>>using several hashes. But this is statistical load balancing we are talking 
>>>>about. If a few % of the time, you mistakenly treat several medium flows as 
>>one large flow, and therefore rebalance them as a single unit, so what? >>You 
>>will still balance the traffic reasonably well.

Each of the flows is eventually learnt/programmed in a flow table (hardware 
table resource where the flow is finally committed); there is never a case of 
bundling multiple flows. More details below

1)    Scalable detection of long-lived large flows

a.    The goal is to keep the size of the flow table (hardware table resource 
where the long-lived large flow is finally committed) bounded and the 
processing requirements (CPU utilization) for flow learning bounded.

b.    For satisfying the above goal, several hashes helps.

2)    Scalable load-balancing of long-lived large flows

a.    The goal is to have a scalable load balancing solution which produces 
meaningful results while keeping the processing requirements (CPU utilization) 
for load-balancing bounded.

b.    For satisfying the above goal, it is not worthwhile to load-balance 
medium/small flows.



-----Original Message-----
From: Brian E Carpenter [mailto:brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 12:06 AM
To: ramki Krishnan
Cc: draft-krishnan-opsawg-large-flow-load-balanc...@tools.ietf.org; 
Subject: Re: [OPSAWG] I-D Action: 


On 13/01/2013 05:14, ramki Krishnan wrote:

> Hi Brian,


> Thanks a lot for your comments. Please find answers to some of your comments. 
> We will respond to your other comments shortly.


>> There may be some false positives due to multiple other flows

>> masquerading as a large flow; the amount of false positives is

>> reduced by parallel hashing using different hash functions


> Brian:


>> To give you some data, with a 20 bit ID space, the FNV1a-32 hash algorithm 
>> gives at most 5% collisions, based on IPv6 headers in real packet traces.  
>> [https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/handle/2292/13240]. I wonder whether 
>> the overhead of running several hashes in parallel is justified by this 
>> collision rate?


> Ram:


> The need for multiple hashes is specific to the suggested algorithm on 
> automatic hardware identification - this algorithm is similar to a bloom 
> filter which uses multiple hash functions.

I think didn't explain my point sufficiently. I understand why you suggest 
using several hashes. But this is statistical load balancing we are talking 
about. If a few % of the time, you mistakenly treat several medium flows as one 
large flow, and therefore rebalance them as a single unit, so what? You will 
still balance the traffic reasonably well.


> "On packet arrival, a new flow is looked up in parallel in all the hash 
> tables and the corresponding counter is incremented. If the counter exceeds a 
> programmed threshold in a given time interval in all the hash table entries, 
> a candidate large flow is learnt and programmed in a hardware table resource 
> like TCAM.

> For a short-lived flow to masquerade as a long-lived lived flow, it needs to 
> match all the hash table entries which is a joint probability event - thus, 
> the amount of false positives due to short-lived flows is reduced.

> Thanks,


> ram


> -----Original Message-----

> From: opsawg-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:opsawg-boun...@ietf.org> 
> [mailto:opsawg-boun...@ietf.org] On

> Behalf Of Brian E Carpenter

> Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 8:40 AM

> To: 
> draft-krishnan-opsawg-large-flow-load-balanc...@tools.ietf.org<mailto:draft-krishnan-opsawg-large-flow-load-balanc...@tools.ietf.org>

> Cc: opsawg@ietf.org<mailto:opsawg@ietf.org>

> Subject: Re: [OPSAWG] I-D Action:

> draft-krishnan-opsawg-large-flow-load-balancing-02.txt


> Hi,


> My comments are on the discussion of flow IDs and hashing. I'm not commenting 
> at all on the overall proposal, because I can't judge whether the problem is 
> real or the solution is practical.


>> A large space of the flow identifications, i.e. finer


>> granularity of the flows, conducts more random in spreading the flows

>> over a set of component links.


> That isn't accurate. The requirement is an ID space in which the IDs belong 
> to a uniform distribution. Technically speaking, if you have two links, a 
> one-bit flow ID is sufficient, as long as the values 0 and 1 are equally 
> likely to appear.

> Therefore, the practical issue is not the size of the ID space but the 
> quality of the hash function used to generate the ID of each flow.

> However, whatever the initial ID space, the final hash has to be down to 0..N 
> if you have N+1 alternative paths.

> I think the reason that your model needs a larger ID space is to reduce the 
> probability of two flows colliding by chance in the ID space.

> That would defeat your wish to separate out large flows.


>> The advantages of hashing based load

>> distribution are the preservation of the packet sequence in a flow

>> and the real time distribution with the stateless of individual

>> flows. If the traffic flows randomly spread in the flow

>> identification space, the flow rates are much smaller compared to the

>> link capacity,


> That sounds like magic. I don't think you mean that at all.


>> and the rate differences are not dramatic,


> Do you mean that the total traffic rate is more fairly distributed across the 
> links? In any case, "dramatic" isn't an engineering term.

>> the hashing

>> algorithm works very well in general.


> How can you say that without specifying a particular algorithm? Also, "very 
> well in general" isn't an engineering term either.


>> There may be some false positives due to multiple other flows

>> masquerading as a large flow; the amount of false positives is

>> reduced by parallel hashing using different hash functions


> To give you some data, with a 20 bit ID space, the FNV1a-32 hash algorithm 
> gives at most 5% collisions, based on IPv6 headers in real packet traces.

> [https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/handle/2292/13240]

> I wonder whether the overhead of running several hashes in parallel is 
> justified by this collision rate?


> Regards


>    Brian Carpenter

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