I have finished work on draft-perrault-behave-natv2-mib-01 at last. I will follow up with a series of messages proposing parts of the document for review over the next week or so. In the meantime, I'd better learn how to use lint to check the MIB module itself.

Changes from the -00 version:

1. Filled out the Operations and Management Considerations section and updated the Security Considerations section.

2. Renamed: natv2NextProtocolxxx to simply natv2Protocolxxx.

3. Added a few items of terminology to Section 2: "upper layer protocol", "trigger", "report", and "address realm".

4. Added text to the definition of the statistic "Other resource failure drops":

  "The most likely case would be packets where the upper layer
   protocol is not one supported by the NAT instance."

Dropped this statistic from other levels, reporting it only at the NAT instance level. I notice that I failed to follow through in the Conformance section, so that has to be fixed.

5. Added natv2PortMapExternalPool to the port map table.

6. Renamed: natv2PoolPortMin -> natv2PoolMinimumPort, and similarly for

7. Added RFCs 2460 and 3489 as references. 3489 was supposed to be informative, but I seem to have put it in the wrong place. That has to be fixed.

Tom  Taylor

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