Hi Saswat,

On 26.01.18 20:17, Saswat Praharaj (saspraha) wrote:
> Hi Eliot, > > Adding device information (manufacture/device-type etc.) in MUD
file provides visibility in network, in addition to policy. > If
visibility is not that important for MUD, we could have it as optional
parameters. > > IMHO, it’s important because MUD will not be the only
policy for the device and if admin has to apply other policies, he/she
needs to know what the device is. > Device manufacturer is the most
reliable source to provide information about the device. > > Based on
your comment > > > Yes, there is. If the MUD-URL is "burned in" via
802.1AR and the > > software can be updated, then one oughtn't provide
software > > information for the simple reason that it would be most
likely > > wrong. Hardware info? Sure. Software when using DHCP or LLDP?
> > Sure. But otherwise no. > > For this, it’s important that we have
version number in the MUD URL – Either as v1, v2 or <software version>
itself. > Device description and access policy may change when software
is upgraded. A newly released device with a different software version
may have different access pattern compared to older version of the device.
That's not quite what the version did, and hardcoding the MUD-URL is the
fundamental issue.  Remember, it's a GOOD thing to hardcode that URL
into a cert because then it is the manufacturer making the assertion and
not the device itself.  But there are some attendant drawbacks, which is
why we have the other mechanisms.


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