Hi Ben,

Thanks for checking back through the responses.  inline

On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 2:35 PM, Ben Campbell <b...@nostrum.com> wrote:
> Hi Kathleen,
> Thanks for your response. Comments inline; I deleted sections that do not 
> seem to need further discussion.
> Thanks!
> Ben.
>> On Feb 9, 2018, at 1:18 PM, Kathleen Moriarty 
>> <kathleen.moriarty.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> Thanks again for the comments, responses and proposals are inline.
>> On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 12:40 AM, Ben Campbell <b...@nostrum.com> wrote:
>>> Ben Campbell has entered the following ballot position for
>>> draft-mm-wg-effect-encrypt-17: No Objection
>>> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
>>> email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
>>> introductory paragraph, however.)
>>> Please refer to https://www.ietf.org/iesg/statement/discuss-criteria.html
>>> for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
>>> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mm-wg-effect-encrypt/
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> This is a considerably better document than the previous versions I have
>>> reviewed. Thanks for all that work. But of course, I still have some 
>>> comments
>>> :-)
>>> Substantive Comments:
>>> -2.2.2, 2nd paragraph: "... for example, many
>>>   forms of communications (from isochronous/real-time to bulk/elastic
>>>   file transfer) will take place over HTTP port 80 or port 443, so only
>>>   the messages and higher-layer data will make application
>>>   differentiation possible."
>>> I'm confused about the use of port 443 in that sentence; presumably traffic 
>>> to
>>> 443 will be encrypted and not allow differentiation using higher-layer data.
>> TLS 1.2 does leave data exposed for differentiation, SNI for example.
>> TLS 1.3 leaves some, but there will be options to encrypt SNI at some
>> point in the future.  The response to ALPN will be returned in
>> encrypted extensions in TLS 1.3.  These are just the examples that
>> come readily to mind and are included in the document.
>> Do you think additional text is needed in this section around the port
>> 443 example or is this covered enough later in the document?
> No, I think that's fine. I was not thinking about information revealed by TLS 
> itself.

Thanks for confirming.
>>> -2.2.4: This section lacks a discussion of the impact of encryption.
>> Good point.  I added one sentence at the edn of the second to last
>> paragraph and modified the last paragraph as follows.  Let me know if
>> this looks good or you would like to see changes.
>>   If impacted by encryption, performance enhancing proxies could make
>> use of routing
>>   overlay protocols to accomplish the same task, but this results in
>> additional overhead.
>>   An application-type-aware network edge (middlebox) can further
>> control pacing, limit
>>   simultaneous HD videos, or prioritize active videos against new videos, 
>> etc.
>>   Services at this more granular level are limited with the use of
>> encryption.
> WFM.
>>> -2.2.5, last paragraph: I understand that techniques that require endpoint
>>> cooperation might be out of scope, but the tone of this paragraph makes it
>>> sound like requiring endpoint cooperation is a negative. Is that the intent?
>> Good catch, no that was not the intent and is in conflict with the
>> following sentence.  How about the following modification:
>>    Alternate approaches are in the early phase of being explored to
>> allow caching of
>>    encrypted content.  These solutions require cooperation from
>> content owners and
>>    fall outside the scope of what is covered in this document.
>> Content delegation
>>    allows for replication with possible benefits, but any form of
>> delegation has the
>>    potential to affect the expectation of client-server confidentiality.
> WFM.
> […]
>>> -2.3.1: I think it might be worth mentioning that an "intercepting 
>>> certificate"
>>> requires endpoints to be configured to trust that certificate. (I assume we 
>>> are
>>> not talking about the more unsavory practice of certificates that 
>>> misrepresent
>>> their subjects.
>> OK, I read this as being covered, but added the following as it must
>> not be clear enough to others if you raised this point (thanks for
>> doing so):
>>     Content filtering via a proxy can also utilize an intercepting
>> certificate where
>>     the client's session is terminated at the proxy enabling for
>> cleartext inspection
>>     of the traffic. A new session is created from the intercepting
>> device to the
>>     client's destination, this is an opt-in strategy for the client,
>> where the endpoint
>>     is configured to trust the intercepting certificate. Changes to
>> TLSv1.3 do not
>>     impact this more invasive method of interception, where this has
>> the potential
>>     to expose every HTTPS session to an active man in the middle (MitM).
> WFM.
>>> -2.3.4 I concur with Adam that this section should explicitly mention
>>> "cross-site user tracking" as one of the common motivations for header
>>> insertion/enrichment. I think it should also include a mention of RFC 8165.
>> Adam's request has already been addressed by adding that text.  How
>> abotu the following paragrpah to address the addition of an 8165
>> reference and for it to make sense in context of the document:
>>    Guidance from the Internet Architecture Board has been provided in RFC8165
>>    on Design Considerations for Metadata Insertion.  The guidance asserts 
>> that
>>    designs that share metadata only by explicit actions at the host
>> are preferable
>>    to designs in which middleboxes insert metadata.  Alternate notification
>>    methods that follow this and other guidance would be helpful to
>> mobile carriers.
> Looks good.

>>> -5.2: This section doesn't seem to include discussion of the impact of
>>> encryption.
>> I added the following to address your comment, thank you.
>> The impact of encryption can be understood from their documented use
>> cases I-D.ietf-dots-use-cases.
> Okay.
>>> Editorial and nits:
> […]
>>> -2.2.5, first paragraph: " Encryption of packet contents at a given
>>>   protocol layer usually makes DPI processing of that layer and higher
>>>   layers impossible. "
>>> This sentence seems misplaced; the section is not about DPI.
>> Hmm, I read this as DPI being used in these functions, hence the
>> impact of encryption.  I'm wondering if reading the first sentence
>> again helps:
>>   The features and efficiency of some Internet services can be augmented
>>   through analysis of user flows and the applications they provide.
>> Or if I am missing something.  If so, please let me know!
> No, I apparently lost state between the first sentence and the sentence I 
> commented on :-)

Happens to all of us :-)

> […]
>>> -3.1.2: This section is about Hosting SPs, but the last two paragraphs seem 
>>> to
>>> be about ASPs. While I realize those may sometimes be the same organization,
>>> they are architecturally distinct.
>> I changed the section heading for 3 to include application service
>> providers as the document doesn't have another place for that content.
>> I agree with the distinction you are making, let me know if this is an
>> okay fix.
> ThaWFM.
>>> -3.2.2: "STARTTLS ought have zero effect..."
>>> "Ought to have zero effect" or "has little effect"?  (If the former, it's 
>>> safe
>>> to say "should" since this draft does not use RFC 2119 keywords.)
>> This wording came from Stephen in his original AD review, so we stuck with 
>> it.
>> Ought to has been pretty common practice in RFCs, but I guess we used
>> to see this more at the beginning of my term as an AD.  I'll add the
>> to and if anyone else wants it changed, it's not a big deal.
> I did not mean to complain about “ought to” per se, but I was wondering why 
> the text used a subjunctive from for what seemed like a statement of fact. 
> Was the point to talk about the way things should be, or the way things are 
> (or maybe are expected)?

I'm happy to change and will do so :-) . I'll use should to capture
what was intended.

>>> -12: Are there really no normative references? The definition of a 
>>> "normative
>>> reference" is any reference needed to fully implement or _understand_ the
>>> document. This is true for both informational and standards-track 
>>> documents. Do
>>> you think a reader can fully understand this document if they ignore every
>>> reference?  (I'm willing to accept that the answer might be "yes" given the
>>> nature of this draft--but that situation is rare in practice.)
>> We'll think about this a bit more, thanks.
> To be clear, I’m perfectly happy if you decide that there really are no 
> normative references; I just wanted to make sure it was thought about.

OK, Al and I need to chat about this one still.

Thank you, again!


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