Hi all,

This is to inform you that the following new draft has been submitted to ietf.
The goal of this draft is to demonstrate the role of ietf for 5g network 
slicing in area of transport slices.

Your review and feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Reza Rokui

On 2019-07-02, 9:30 AM, "internet-dra...@ietf.org" <internet-dra...@ietf.org> 

    A new version of I-D, draft-rokui-5g-transport-slice-00.txt

    has been successfully submitted by Reza Rokui and posted to the

    IETF repository.

    Name:           draft-rokui-5g-transport-slice

    Revision: 00

    Title:          5G Transport Slice Connectivity Interface

    Document date:  2019-07-02

    Group:          Individual Submission

    Pages:          28


       The 5G Network slicing is an approach to provide separate independent

       E2E logical network from user equipment (UE) to applications where

       each network slice has different SLA requirements.  Each E2E network

       slice consists of multitude of RAN-slice, Core-slice and Transport-

       slices, each with its own controller.  To provide automation,

       assurance and optimization of the network slices, an E2E network

       slice controller is needed which interacts with controller in RAN,

       Core and Transport slices.  The interfaces between the E2E network

       slice controller and RAN and Core controllers are defined in various

       3GPP technical specifications.  However, 3GPP has not defined the

       same interface for transport slices.

       The aim of this document is to provide the clarification of this

       interface and to provide the information model of this interface for

       automation, monitoring and optimization of the transport slices.

    Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission

    until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.

    The IETF Secretariat

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