Dear OPSAWG colleagues,

   First of all, lots of thanks for the inputs on the mailing list and the 
discussions among authors and contributors.
   You can find the new version for your review and feedback in:

   Let me summarize the main changes bellow:
* Editorial issues from Tom Petch's review fixed ( see )
* Implementations added (Thanks Huawei, Infinera and Nokia for providing 
feedback). Please, if you are aware of other implementations and are willing to 
share, please email authors and the reference to the implementation will be 
* New contributors: We welcome Med Boucadair and Stephane Litkowski, both 
providing their great expertise in L3 VPNs and experience from the L3SM work.
* Changes from “site-centric” view to “network-centric” view.
     - Old hierarchy: main containers vpn_service, site and vpn_profiles. Under 
site, list of site_network_access.
     - New hierarchy: only vpn_services and vpn_profiles. Under vpn_service, 
vpn_nodes and under vpn_nodes vpn_network_access
     - Site disappears as it is an information relevant for the service  
orchestration which consumes l3sm. In this model,  aimed at managing vpn 
services in a network controller, the site is not needed.
     - With the new model hierarchy, the yang module is easier to use. A vpn 
service with several vpn-network-accesses can be created in a single call.
* Examples: A examples section has been added to understand how the model can 
be used. In this version, authors have started by including a simple, but 
widely used in Service Providers, example. Future versions will include more 
complex examples.
* Terminology: In order to help readers understand correctly the model, the 
terminology section has been revisited and completed.
* Yang model Prune: All customer related parameters that are not necessary for 
the vpn service creation have been removed. For example, location info is 
removed, as the module is used when the PE selection is already done. Also, 
unused containers coming from L3SM are removed.
* Process ID in OSPF added.
* Description of the Yang model: The description of the model has been extended 
in order to allow implementors and users of the model to understand its use and 
avoid unambiguities. Please, let us know if you find any part unclear and needs 
further explanations, we would be glad to add them.
* Relation with other Yang models. This section points which models are related 
to l3nm. L3SM, the model used to interact with the customer, is mentioned. 
Also, IETF network, which can contain the list of PEs of the Service Provider 
Network is mentioned. Also, the model will provide inputs for device 
configuration models used to implement the L3 VPN Service creation intent.
* Security section completed. Potential threats from malicious or unauthorized 
clients are identified.
* References have been updated and reorganized between normative and 

   Looking forward to you review and comments.

    Best Regards,


-----Mensaje original-----
De: OPSAWG <> En nombre de
Enviado el: domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2019 21:16
Asunto: [OPSAWG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-opsawg-l3sm-l3nm-01.txt

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
This draft is a work item of the Operations and Management Area Working Group 
WG of the IETF.

        Title           : A Layer 3 VPN Network YANG Model
        Authors         : Alejandro Aguado
                          Oscar Gonzalez de Dios
                          Victor Lopez
                          Daniel Voyer
                          Luis Angel Munoz
Filename        : draft-ietf-opsawg-l3sm-l3nm-01.txt
Pages           : 99
Date            : 2019-11-17

   RFC8299 defines a L3VPN Service YANG data Model (L3SM) that can be
   used for communication between customers and VPN service providers.
   That data model plays the role of a Customer Service Model, according
   to the terminology defined in RFC8309, and is as such adequate for
   service negotiation and order handling matters.

   There is a need for a more network-centric YANG data model to be used
   in the communication between the entity that interacts directly with
   the customer, the service orchestrator, (either fully automated or a
   human operator) and the entity in charge of network orchestration and
   control (a.k.a., network controller/orchestrator).

   This document specifies a L3VPN Network YANG Model (L3NM) to
   facilitate communication between a service orchestrator and a network
   controller/orchestrator.  Such data model provides a network-centric
   view of the L3VPN services.  The Yang model proposed is limited to
   BGP PE-based VPNs as described in RFCs 4026, 4110, and 4364.

The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

There are also htmlized versions available at:

A diff from the previous version is available at:

Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission 
until the htmlized version and diff are available at

Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

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