Dear OPSAWG Chairs,

Even though I missed the deadline to request a time slot for the opsawg virtual 
interim, would it be possible to have a 5 minute time slot to present below 
draft at OPSAWG working group.

Export of MPLS Segment Routing Label Type Information in IP Flow Information 
Export (IPFIX)

The draft has been submitted to IANA and being reviewed by IE doctors. It 
received some expert reviews from the SPRING mailing list and I am looking for 
feedback from OPSAWG mailing list as well.

IANA demands a well-established and persistent publication medium" as a 
reference in order to assign these additional values from the "IPFIX MPLS label 
type  (Value 46)" sub-registry.

I think the draft is mature enough to present it at OPSAWG to call for 
adoption. I believe its content matches the OPSWAG charter.

Looking forward to your feedback.

Best Wishes
Thomas Graf

-----Original Message-----
From: OPSAWG <> On Behalf Of Joe Clarke (jclarke)
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:15 PM
To: opsawg <>
Cc:; OpsAWG-Chairs <>
Subject: [OPSAWG] Agenda posted for opsawg virtual interim

We have posted the agenda for the opsawg virtual interim to take place on April 
7 at 11:00 am UTC.  The agenda can be found at;;sdata=VGQerPjX%2FFRwmGY7G%2BfB4qOXVtZ48kolvvRqyOKxqtg%3D&amp;reserved=0
 .  We encourage the members to read the drafts on agenda and come ready with 
any questions.

To presenters, please get your slides in by Friday, April 3.  Note your time 
slot and amount of time, too.  A 2.5 hour Webex can be an ordeal.  Structure 
your presentations, especially for repeat work, to focus on what's new and what 
you need from the WG.

We will be adhering to the IETF 107 virtual rules.  If you haven't been in a 
session this week, that means the following:

* The Webex session will be recorded
* Use of "computer audio" is preferred unless you have trouble or know it to be 
spotty.  Then use "call in" audio.
* Video will be off
* You will be expected to mute yourself when not speaking
* The chat function of Webex will be used to queue for the mic
 - Writing "+q" in the chat adds you to the queue
 - Writing "-q" in the chat will remove you from the queue

We will call out people to present and when someone is "at the mic" to ask a 


OPSAWG mailing list;;sdata=w6qfCit46Df6qPyukMXQ6nAeJGLyqNSuzZbtpvg3GJM%3D&amp;reserved=0

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