Bonjour Med,

Thank you for your reply and your actions that should improve the overall 
quality of the document.

I am still unclear about whether this overall document is YANG related as the 
focus appears to me more on a standard data model (where of course YANG can 
help). But, this is merely an academic-like non-blocking comment.



-----Original Message-----
From: "" <>
Date: Tuesday, 20 October 2020 at 08:10
To: Eric Vyncke <>, The IESG <>
Cc: "" <>, "" 
<>, "" 
Subject: RE: [OPSAWG] Éric Vyncke's No Objection on 
draft-ietf-opsawg-model-automation-framework-07: (with COMMENT)

    Hi Eric, 

    Thank you for the comments. 

    Please see inline.


    > -----Message d'origine-----
    > De : OPSAWG [] De la part de Éric
    > Vyncke via Datatracker
    > Envoyé : lundi 19 octobre 2020 14:46
    > À : The IESG <>
    > Cc :;; draft-ietf-opsawg-
    > Objet : [OPSAWG] Éric Vyncke's No Objection on draft-ietf-opsawg-
    > model-automation-framework-07: (with COMMENT)
    > Éric Vyncke has entered the following ballot position for
    > draft-ietf-opsawg-model-automation-framework-07: No Objection
    > When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to
    > all email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to
    > cut this introductory paragraph, however.)
    > Please refer to
    > criteria.html
    > for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
    > The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
    > framework/
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------
    > --
    > COMMENT:
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------
    > --
    > Thank you for the work put into this document.
    > Please find below a couple of non-blocking COMMENT points and nits.
    > I hope that this helps to improve the document,
    > Regards,
    > -éric
    > == COMMENTS ==
    > A generic comment: it hurts my eyes 

    [Med] It shouldn't :-)

    to see several occurrences of
    > "NAT" as a service in an IETF document in 2020...

    [Med] Will double check. But, please note that from a YANG standpoint, the 
NAT module is not only about NAT44, but covers also NAT64, CLAT, SIIT, EAM, 

    > Should there be a reference to
    > draft-claise-opsawg-service-assurance-architecture (albeit not yet
    > an adopted
    > document) ?

    [Med] We could consider adding it as another example under Section 5 if we 
had a volunteer to provide the text explaining the mapping with the arch in the 

    > There are a lot of detailed service creations with a good
    > decomposition of all the required steps; but, little is written on
    > the importance of YANG models (as opposed to any standard data
    > exchange), so, the current title seems a little misleading.

    [Med] The important of YANG is described in the intro, e.g., 

       o  Allow for vendor-agnostic interfaces to manage a service and the
          underlying network.

       o  Move from deployment schemes where vendor-specific network
          managers are required to a scheme where the entities that are
          responsible for orchestrating and controlling services and network
          resources provided by multi-vendor devices are unified.

       o  Ease data inheritance and reusability among the various
          architecture layers promoting thus a network-wise provisioning
          instead of device-specific configuration.

       o  Dynamically fed a decision-making process (e.g., Controllers,
          Orchestrators) with notifications that will trigger appropriate
          actions allowing thus to continuously adjust a network (and thus
          involved resources) to comply the intended service to deliver.

    > -- Abstract --
    > To be honest, I fail to understand why data models can be used to
    > 'derive'
    > configuration information. Did the authors mean 'describe' or
    > 'specify' ?

    [Med] We meant "derive". Think about a service model (L3SM, for example), 
it does not specify the configuration that will be put into effect in a 
network, but will be used to derive a network model (L3NM), that will be used 
to derive the actual device configuration models. 

    > Later "This document describes an architecture" while the title of
    > this document if "framework" ? Slight semantic difference ;-)

    [Med] Will be fixed. 

    > And later "accommodate modules that", is it 'YANG modules' or 'data
    > models' ?

    [Med] YANG modules. 

    > -- Section 4 --
    > The complex figure 4 would benefit from some textual introduction
    > referring to the subsections. Also, the meaning of the arrow would
    > gain if specified. E.g., why "Service Diagnosis" does not have a
    > loop back to optimization or assurance ?

    [Med] Point Taken. Will add more text. 

    > -- Section 4.2.2 --
    > If not mistaken, this is the first appearance of the notation
    > "<intended>". Do the angle brackets have a specific meaning?

    [Med] Yes, We can add a 

    > -- Section 4.2.3 --
    > Suggestion to use the figure 4 wording as the title esp. since the
    > wording of MDT is not really used in the sub-section.

    [Med] Fair point. Will be fixed. Thanks.

    > -- Section 6 --
    > Is it required/useful to have the 'standard YANG security
    > considerations" in this document that does not contain any YANG
    > module?

    [Med] The document is about manipulating YANG, hence the need to include 
the text. 

    > -- Section 10.1 --
    > Most of the references should probably be informational only.

    [Med] Most of the RFCs that are cited there are required because of the 
security section. 

    > == NITS ==
    > Generic nit, I found the use of capitalized "Service Model" or
    > "Network Models"
    > a little disturbing.

    [Med] OK. 

    > -- Section 1 --
    > "how different layer YANG data models" is rather difficult to parse,
    > suggest to rephrase it.

    [Med] Changed to " YANG data models at different layers "

    > -- Section 4.4 --
    > Is it "service decomposing" or "service decomposition" ?

    [Med] Yes. Will be updated.  


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