Hi Greg,

Thanks for reading and supporting the draft.
See in-line.

On 5/5/2021 2:59 AM, Greg Mirsky wrote:
Dear All,
I've read the draft and support its adoption by the OPSAWG. The proposed approach to service assurance is powerful and extensible. I have several questions for the authors and appreciate their consideration:

  * Is the architecture intended to quantify service degradation?

Yes, exactly.

  * A health score of 100 signifies a perfectly operational
    sub-service according to the definition. If, for example, the
    sub-service is an interface. how the "perfect operational level"
    can be defined for packet drops?

Typical consulting engineer answer: it depends. :-)
It depends on the interface type, the type of packets, the protocol, and higher applications. You're right that sometimes it's difficult to quantify the effect on the health score. Note that it's important to report symptoms, even if you can't quantify its effect Example: you notice a change in the packet size distribution. This is an important symptom to report but potentially doesn't affect the subservice health, and as a consequence the service health

  * Section 3.9 is stated:

    The SAIN architecture requires the Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...

    I agree that for the correlation of the information collected from
    agents, clocks must be synchronized. And in fact, NTP is broadly
    used to synchronized instances of the control and management
    plane. But, on the other hand, other protocols are used, e.g.
    IEEE-1588v2, a.k.a. PTP, to synchronize devices on the data plane.
    It appears that it could be easier to indicate the format of a
    timestamp used by the agent. Then the SAIN orchestrator can
    convert timestamps as needed and correlate regardless of the clock
    synchronization protocol and format used.

That's a very good point.
The requirement is for a synchronization protocol, not specifically NTP.
We will correct the language.


    On 4/27/21 14:01, Henk Birkholz wrote:
    > Dear OPSAWG members,
    > this starts a call for Working Group Adoption for
    > ending on Tuesday, May 18th.
    > As a reminder, this I-D describes the health of an
    interconnected system
    > of network devices and (sub-)services located in that system. A
    > health status is explained via symptom descriptions and the
    > interconnected knowledge is aggregated in an assurance graph.
    > Please reply with your support and especially any substantive
    > you may have.
    > For the OPSAWG co-chairs,
    > Henk
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