On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 07:24:45AM +0200, Eliot Lear wrote:
> Hi Toerless,
> I think you may have overcomplicated things.  If the device or manufacturer
> wants to provide the SBOM, the easisest thing would be to put a MUD URL into
> the cert that can be resolved, and then use .well-known/sbom, where you
> authenticate either the trust anchor provided in the voucher or subsequent
> trust anchors provided by EST to the pledge.  Absent that authentication you
> can just return a 400.

Explain to me how this work flow would allow for the registrar to
decide whether to and/or what certificate to give to the pledge via EST based
on SBOM information. I can only venture to guess your work flow would only
allow to retrieve SBOM information after the pledge has already received a
certificate. The whole point is to not give a pledge a "you're fully trusted"
cert if it can not be fully trusted because of its SBOM.


> Eliot
> On 28.05.21 01:38, Toerless Eckert wrote:
> > One hought that cam up when reading subject draft:
> > 
> > SBOM is likely something many devices may want to keep confidential.
> > But SBOM may also be highly beneficial for attestation during bootstrap.
> > 
> > In BRSKI (RFC8995), we have a boostrap TLS connection for which the client 
> > device
> > receives a very strong authentication (from its own manufacturer via a 
> > voucher),
> > that the other end of the connection should be consiered to be the owner of 
> > the
> > device - and hence could be sosidered to be a valid receiver of the SBOM, 
> > if anyone is.
> > 
> > On the other hand, BRSKI currently has no way to perform
> > attestation of the device itself to decide whether or not it should trust 
> > it.
> > 
> > Long story short: I think it would be great if this SBOM draft would support
> > BRSKI in so far as:
> > 
> > -> If device supporting this SBOM standard also supports BRSKI, and
> >     it wants to support attestation for BRSKI enrollment, then the device
> >     will offer to  provide it's SBOM to the BRSKI registrar after 
> > successfully
> >     completing authentication of the provisional BRSKI TLS connection.
> > 
> > -> offering to provide it's SBOM could be done by a GET to a new
> >     well-known URI, something like /.well-known/brski/sbom-offer
> >     and some well-defined response format providing e.g.: the actual URI
> >     to send the SBOM to, followed by a POST to that URI
> > 
> > This would allow BRSKI to take SBOM into consideration whether or not to
> > provide a certificate to the client device in the next BRSKI stps,
> > or (in more intelligent environments), make the registrar provide a
> > different certificate than a normal operational one, when the
> > device can not yet be full trusted, but some additional remote software
> > upgrades or the like could make that happen.
> > 
> > There is actually very little i see fitting as extensions to BRSKI before
> > enrolling the client with a cert, but SBOM would pretty much be on the
> > top of that list. HWBOM would of course be nice too, but most often the
> > significant aspects of that are deducible from the X520SerialNumber for 
> > good vendors.
> > 
> > Cheers
> >      Toerless
> > 
> > In-Reply-To: <983c17c3-1c0b-9626-4009-bb442ad28...@lear.ch>
> > 
> > On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 03:01:14PM +0200, Eliot Lear wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > For those of you who don???t know, Common Security Advisory Format (CSAF) 
> > > is
> > > an evolution on Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework.  Such an object
> > > could easily be delivered with an SBOM.  It has a slightly different
> > > characteristic in terms of update frequency.  CSAF changes may happen
> > > independently of software updates, and generally would*not* be hosted on
> > > individual devices (at least, I don???t see the use case).
> > > 
> > > CSAF files indicate what products and versions are vulnerable (and what 
> > > are
> > > not), and what if any remediations are available, not unlike a classic 
> > > PSIRT
> > > advisory.
> > > 
> > > My proposal is to add into the draft an optional URL that indicates the 
> > > CSAF
> > > object for This device, a???la:
> > > 
> > > > container sbom {
> > > > ???
> > > >     leaf csaf-location {
> > > >        type inet:uri;
> > > >        description ???Location of CSAF file???;
> > > >    }
> > > I would add some descriptive text similar to the above in as well.
> > > 
> > > Does this raise any concerns?
> > > 
> > > Eliot
> > 
> > 
> > 
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