
Please see inline. 


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Rob Wilton (rwilton) []
> Envoyé : mardi 13 juillet 2021 17:55
> Cc :
> Objet : RE: AD review of draft-ietf-opsawg-l3sm-l3nm-09
> Hi Med,
> Looking at the diff, I think that you have a typo for "oubound".

[Med] Will be fixed. 

> But just to check, the "inbound-rate-limit" and "inbound-bandwidth"
> both act in the same direction, right?

[Med] Yes. The text says inbound-rate-limit is a % of inbound-bandwidth.

The text also indicates that the direction is from the perspective of the 
customer site. That definition is also inherited from the common module. We 
don't revert the directions to ease the mapping between L3SM and L3NM. 

  That was the consistency
> that I was striving for.  Normally, when I think of a QoS policy as
> acting on say a PE interface, I think that inbound/outbound would
> have the reverse sense to have the input-bandwidth/outbound-
> bandwidth is described.   I think that it would be good for these
> directions to be consistency if possible, but at a minimum the
> description needs to be very clear and using input vs inbound
> perhaps makes more sense if they are acting in different directions.
> Thanks,
> Rob


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