From: Rtg-bfd <> on behalf of Greg Mirsky 
Sent: 28 August 2021 03:56

Dear Authors,
thank you for your work on this document. I've read the draft and have a 
question, and a suggestion. Section 
 describes how BFD is controlled in vpn-common. I've noticed that you use 
references to RFC 5880. While that is the basis for all subsequent BFD 
documents, for BFD YANG data model 
draft-ietf-bfd-yang<> may 
be more useful. 


I think that the authors have got this one right (although I disagree with much 
else as I have commented on Last Call:-(,   If you look at the history of 
bfd-yang you will see that nothing has happened to it for over three years 
despite concerted efforts to get it moving, so in the interests of this 
becoming an RFC within the next three years (!), I would not want to see the 
reference changed.

Tom Petch

Perhaps the container oam can re-use grouping base-cfg-parms.
What are your thoughts?


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