From: Jean Quilbeuf <>
Sent: 22 April 2022 14:14

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tom petch []
> Sent: Thursday 21 April 2022 17:04
> To: Jean Quilbeuf <>; Joe Clarke (jclarke)
> <>;;
> Benoit Claise <>;
> Subject: Re: [OPSAWG] Comments on draft-ietf-opsawg-service-assurance-
> yang-02
> <tp>
> No. SMI had a type but it was not carried across to YANG.  A recent comment
> on readable text came from Francesca in the IESG review of I2NSF-nsf-
> facing... on 16feb22 (and it is not the only one:-)  which led to language 
> tags
> and the reference to RFC2277 in the current version of that I-D.  I was
> surprised by the comment and have not got my mind around how widely
> that concept should be applied.  Think Unicode and there are thousands of
> human-readable characters.  My e-mail has decided to display the identifier
> of some senders in Chinese characters which may help a few billion people
> but not me:-(
> Tom Petch

Thanks for the precision. I am wondering whether to add a grouping such as

  grouping natural-language-text {
      "Represents text written in natural language. According to
       RFC 2277, such strings MUST be accompanied with a language-tag
       specifying the language of the text";
    leaf language-tag {
      type string;
      mandatory true;
        "Tag representing the language of the text. The tag format is
         described in RFC 5646.";
    leaf text {
      type string;
      mandatory true;
        "The actual text, must be written in the language specified in
         language tag.";

According to YANG catalog there are less than 10 nodes who refer to RFC 5646, 
so it does not seem like a common practice.
So I think I would leave the strings as they are now. Any suggestions?

Also, it seems like a generic problem that should be solved in the WG that 
takes care of YANG.


That would be the NETMOD WG where the subject comes up but does not get worked 

I agree that language tags are not common practice so I would be inclined not 
to include them but it may be that our current IESG will take a firmer line, in 
which case you are fore-warned.

Sometimes a protocol I-D, nothing to do with YANG, will reference Unicode as to 
what can appear but as I said before, there is an awful lot of Unicode and it 
is hard to know where to draw the line

Tom Petch

> Note that according to sec. 9.4 in RFC 7950 "The string built-in type
> represents human-readable strings in YANG."
> Thanks again for the comments, please let me know any suggestion.
> Best regards,
> Jean
> > >>
> > >> Tom Petch
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Regards, Benoit
> > >>
> > >> On 3/25/2022 11:48 AM, Jean Quilbeuf wrote:
> > >>> Hi Joe,
> > >>> Thanks for your comments.
> > >>>
> > >>> I updated the draft with some more details about the relation
> > >>> between
> > >> healt-score and health-score-weight.
> > >>> I left the counter so far, but changed it to 64 bits.
> > >>>
> > >>> Best,
> > >>> Jean
> > >>>
> > >>>> -----Original Message-----
> > >>>> From: Joe Clarke (jclarke) []
> > >>>> Sent: Thursday 24 March 2022 12:42
> > >>>> To: Benoit Claise <>;
> > >>>> Jean Quilbeuf <>;
> > >>>> Subject: Re: [OPSAWG] Comments on
> > >>>> draft-ietf-opsawg-service-assurance-
> > >>>> yang-02
> > >>>>
> > >>>> On 3/24/22 08:21, Benoit Claise wrote:
> > >>>>> Hi Joe,
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>> On 3/24/2022 11:48 AM, Joe Clarke (jclarke) wrote:
> > >>>>>> On 3/9/22 11:13, Jean Quilbeuf wrote:
> > >>>>>>> Hi Joe,
> > >>>>>>> Thanks for your comments.
> > >>>>>>>
> > >>>>>>>
> > >>>>>>>> First, what is the purpose of assurance-graph-version?  It's
> > >>>>>>>> a 32-bit
> > >>>> counter that can increment when something goes in and out of
> > >>>> maintenance (+2).  I can easily see this wrapping fir services
> > >>>> with a lot of churn.  What is the impact of that?  Is this
> > >>>> version number required if we have a last modified timestamp?
> > >>>>>>> The purpose of assurance-graph-version is to enable  a
> > >>>>>>> consumer of this
> > >>>> module to quickly check if they have the last version. It
> > >>>> probably makes sense to use a larger counter. I'll modify it.
> > >>>>>> How does it do that.  If I get a version of 324523457273456,
> > >>>>>> how do I know that's the latest?
> > >>>>> MdT on-change.
> > >>>> Fair.  But then, as a consumer, I know it's the latest because
> > >>>> it's the update I just got.  And still, the date will be more useful...
> > >>>>
> > >>>> I know I'm being difficult and bike-sheddy.  It doesn't really
> > >>>> bother me.  Just trying to make sure there's true use for it.
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Joe
> > >>>>
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