Some stray thoughts on YANG module 'ietf-l2vpn-ntw'

- In a number of places, the module says 'The default value is ... when used at the service level'. I have two problems with this. I see no 'default' specified in YANG - there could be but there is not; this would appear to be a recommendation not a default. Other YANG modules have the concept of e.g. global, link, node parameters with the same grouping appearing in several places with a suitable but different default specified in each place, but not here.

Second, the statement is in a grouping, such as parameters-profile. This grouing appears in two 'uses', one under 'global-parameters-profiles' and the other under 'active-global-parameters-profiles'.

How do I marry the reference to 'service level' and whatever is the alternative to 'service level' to a choice of 'active' or whatever the alternative to 'active' is?

- There are many references to non-IETF documents. Unlike the IETF, these references are mostly not unique without an accompanying date, which most of the references in the YANG module do not have.

- identity evpn-service-interface-type
this is an identity not a type so the use of type in the identifier seems confusing.

- identity color-type
a reference would be useful - I recall an AD asking last year what a color was.

- lacp-active refers to auto-speed negotiation while lacp-passive is about duplex; seems inconsistent

- having a set of referenced identities derived from pw-type and a separate set of referenced identities derived from iana-pw-types seems a potential source of confusion

-leaf interface-id
  type string
I wonder why this is not a reference to the YANG interface module.

- leaf speed
   default 10
seems a bit slow in this day and age; buying kit for the home last year I could not get anything under 100 which my hub could not cope with:-(

- uses y-1731
I only see this used once. Given that groupings used just once make the module harder to follow, why is this a grouping?

- leaf cos-id
(802.1p) Is this a seperate reference from that to 802.1Q?

- mac-policies
this has source and destination address and mask (with no constraints on the mask). What constitutes a match?

Tom Petch

On 29/04/2022 15:40, The IESG wrote:

The IESG has received a request from the Operations and Management Area
Working Group WG (opsawg) to consider the following document: - 'A YANG
Network Data Model for Layer 2 VPNs'
   <draft-ietf-opsawg-l2nm-15.txt> as Proposed Standard

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits final
comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2022-05-13. Exceptionally, comments may
be sent to instead. In either case, please retain the beginning
of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.


    This document defines an L2VPN Network YANG Model (L2NM) which can be
    used to manage the provisioning of Layer 2 Virtual Private Network
    services within a network (e.g., service provider network).  The L2NM
    complements the Layer 2 Service Model (L2SM) by providing a network-
    centric view of the service that is internal to a service provider.
    The L2NM is particularly meant to be used by a network controller to
    derive the configuration information that will be sent to relevant
    network devices.

    Also, this document defines a YANG module to manage Ethernet segments
    and the initial versions of two IANA-maintained modules that defines
    a set of identities of BGP Layer 2 encapsulation types and pseudowire

The file can be obtained via

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