Hello, WG.  The chairs are starting a three week call for adoption for the 
TACACS+ TLS work that has been recently submitted.  This work was initially 
proposed at the same time the broader TACACS+ protocol was also brought the 
working group.  The consensus then was to create an informational draft 
describing the as-is TACACS+ protocol (with all of its security shortcomings) 
and to focus on more robust security later.

This call for adoption is only for the 
https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-dahm-tacacs-tls13-00.html draft and will go three 
weeks to take into account the IETF 114 meeting in Philadelphia.

Please reply on-list if you want the working group to adopt this work, as well 
as with comments on the work as it stands currently.  The CfA will end on July 
29, 2022.



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