Hi Benoît,

No problem to setup a quick call to discuss this if needed.

For sure, the existing IPv6 SRH Flags registry is useful to associate some 
flags with a meaning. However, the observed values may include flags for which 
no meaning is defined (yet). That is why the statement ““Values for this 
Information Element are listed in the "IPFIX IPv6 SRH Flags" registry”” is to 
be revisited. Also, mirroring the content of the registry is useless for the 
intended behavior.


De : Benoit Claise <benoit.cla...@huawei.com>
Envoyé : lundi 19 septembre 2022 22:29
À : BOUCADAIR Mohamed INNOV/NET <mohamed.boucad...@orange.com>; 
thomas.g...@swisscom.com; jclarke=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org; opsawg@ietf.org
Cc : pierre.franc...@insa-lyon.fr
Objet : Re: CALL FOR ADOPTION: draft-tgraf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh

Hi Med,
On 9/19/2022 2:21 PM, 
mohamed.boucad...@orange.com<mailto:mohamed.boucad...@orange.com> wrote:
Hi Benoît,

Thank you for the follow-up.

Actually, the more I look into this, the more I’m convinced that we don’t need 
a new registry for the flags and that the statement “Values for this 
Information Element are listed in the "IPFIX IPv6 SRH Flags" registry” is 
restrictive (inaccurate(?)). The flags should be exported as ** observed ** not 
as set in the registry.
Observed for sure, but for one specific flag value, we must find the semantic.
This is where the registry comes in place, for matching an observed value with 
a semantic

Think about discarded packets because some flags are set (including those 
already for which a meaning is already defined such as the O flag) while the 
processing of these flags is not supported by a router. In such cases, one use 
of the srhFlagsIPv6 IE would be to display the erroneous set of flags together 
with some error counters. The values of the IE is not “taken from the IANA 
Am I wrong, or in case, you are overloading the srhFlagsIPv6 with your own 
How do you want the collector to interpret this flow.

That said, I fully agree that the spec has to indicate “Data Type Semantics:  
flags” for that IE.

The same would apply for the srhSegmentEndpointBehavior IE.

Please let me know if I’m missing something. Thanks.
Maybe we speak cross purposes. Shall we set up a quick call?

Regards, Benoit


De : Benoit Claise <benoit.cla...@huawei.com><mailto:benoit.cla...@huawei.com>
Envoyé : samedi 17 septembre 2022 17:39
Cc : pierre.franc...@insa-lyon.fr<mailto:pierre.franc...@insa-lyon.fr>; me 
Objet : Re: CALL FOR ADOPTION: draft-tgraf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh

Hi Med,

Thanks for your comments.

I visited IANA in Philly to validate this propose, but we could re-evaluate & 
discuss about it.

We need a registry because just telling that we take the value from 
 is not sufficient as we also need to specify the following IPFIX fields:
- Abstract Data Type. (unsigned8 in this srhFlagsIPv6 case)
- Data Type Semantics (flags in srhFlagsIPv6 case)

Now, if your point is that we don't really to mention the initial values ...
Initial values in the registry are defined by the table

      | Value  |    Description    |              Reference               |
      | 0-1    | Unassigned        |                                      |
      | 2      | O-flag            |  [RFC-ietf-6man-spring-srv6-oam-13]  |
      | 3-7    | Unassigned        |                                      |

                   Table 2: "IPFIX IPv6 SRH Flags" registry
... I agree it's not strictly necessary but it helps (me/the IPFIX experts) to 
understand, from this document, which type of values are currently available.

See inline.
On 9/16/2022 9:34 AM, 
mohamed.boucad...@orange.com<mailto:mohamed.boucad...@orange.com> wrote:
Hi Thomas,

Thank you for preparing this revised version.

I think almost all my comments are addressed in this version. However, I still 
don’t see the need to have new registries that only mirror existing ones. For 
example, and unless I missed some subtleties, it would be sufficient to say 
that the flag values are taken from  
 rather than adding the following in the I-D:

      | Value  |    Description    |              Reference               |
      | 0-1    | Unassigned        |                                      |
      | 2      | O-flag            |  [RFC-ietf-6man-spring-srv6-oam-13]  |
      | 3-7    | Unassigned        |                                      |

                   Table 2: "IPFIX IPv6 SRH Flags" registry

which is similar in term of encoding and values as what was set by RFC9256:

   IANA has registered the following in the "Segment Routing Header

   Flags" subregistry in the "Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

   Parameters" registry:


                     | Bit | Description | Reference |


                     | 2   | O-flag      | RFC 
9259<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9259>  |


BTW, I guess you initially meant:


                   Table 2: "IPFIX IPv6 SRH Flags" registry

   Note to IANA:  Add a note to the "Segment Routing Header Flags" registry
      so that new values are echoed in the new "IPFIX IPv6 SRH Flags”
You are right (since 
 is "IETF review" while https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix/ipfix.xhtml is 
"Expert Review")

instead of CURRENT:

                   Table 2: "IPFIX IPv6 SRH Flags" registry

   Note to IANA:  Add a note to the registry so that new values are
      echoed in the new "IPFIX SRv6 EndPoint Behavior

The same comment applies for the values that can be directly taken from 


               Table 4: "IPFIX SRV6 Endpoint Behavior" registry

   Note to IANA:  Add a note to the registry so that new values are
      echoed in the new "IPFIX SRv6 EndPoint Behavior


               Table 4: "IPFIX SRV6 Endpoint Behavior" registry

   Note to IANA:  Add a note to the "IPFIX SRV6 Endpoint Behavior" registry so 
that new values are
      echoed in the new "IPFIX SRv6 EndPoint Behavior

Regards, Benoit


De : thomas.g...@swisscom.com<mailto:thomas.g...@swisscom.com> 
Envoyé : jeudi 15 septembre 2022 20:08
Cc : benoit.cla...@huawei.com<mailto:benoit.cla...@huawei.com>; 
Objet : RE: CALL FOR ADOPTION: draft-tgraf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh

Dear Med,

Many thanks for the comprehensive review. Much appreciated. We merged all your 
input to the upcoming -01 release. 

The diff to the current -00 version can be found here: 

For some we need further clarifications if we addressed them correctly. I would 
appreciate if you could clarify the following three points:

Med> Section 2, remark: "Why do we need three IE, srhSegmentIPv6ListSection, 
srhSegmentIPv6BasicList and srhSectionIPv6, to expose SRH Segment List
Thomas> Section 5.1 should provide the answer. If that should not be 
sufficient, please suggest how this could be better expressed.

Med> Section 2: remark: "as series of n octets" is not clearly comprehensible.
Thomas> Extended to "as series of n octets in IPFIX". Does that makes it 

Med> Section 4.11, remark: "Do you really need to define a new registry here?"
Thomas> The registry could potentially be used (and updated) by non IPFIX 

Best wishes

From: OPSAWG <opsawg-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:opsawg-boun...@ietf.org>> On 
Behalf Of mohamed.boucad...@orange.com<mailto:mohamed.boucad...@orange.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 10:19 AM
To: Joe Clarke (jclarke) 
Subject: Re: [OPSAWG] CALL FOR ADOPTION: draft-tgraf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh

Hi all,

I support.

FWIW, the authors may found some quick comments at:

  1.  pdf: 
  2.  doc: 


De : OPSAWG <opsawg-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:opsawg-boun...@ietf.org>> De la 
part de Joe Clarke (jclarke)
Envoyé : jeudi 18 août 2022 22:14
À : opsawg@ietf.org<mailto:opsawg@ietf.org>
Objet : [OPSAWG] CALL FOR ADOPTION: draft-tgraf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh

Hello, WG.  We’d like to begin a two week call for adoption of this work.  Even 
as an individual draft it has already received some reviews and has iterated 
quite a bit.  Based on IETF 114 there does seem to be interest in adopting this 
in opsawg, but we need a formal adoption poll.

Please review and provide your adoption thoughts no later than September 1, 




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