After discussion with dhcwg, this document has taken on work from another 
document that updates RFC 4014.  I want to make sure that opsawg has had a 
chance to review the extended scope and text.

The WG LC is extended to end on November 3, 2022.  To those in the WG that have 
already commented, please review revision -05 or later and share your thoughts 
on list.


From: OPSAWG <> on behalf of Joe Clarke (jclarke) 
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 12:43
To: <>
Subject: [OPSAWG] 🔔 WG LC: RADIUS Extensions for Encrypted DNS
Hello, WG.  While this work was recently adopted, there was a considerable 
amount of discussion and work put in to address issues and stabilize the spec.  
The authors feel it has reached a steady state and is ready for WG LC.  Based 
on my read of the discussion threads, it does appear the major issues have been 

Therefore, this serves as the start of a two week WG LC for  Please 
provide your comments and/or support for the current spec on-list prior to 
October 27.


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