Hi Rob, 

Thanks for the review. 

Candidate changes to address this review can be tracked at: 

Please find inline some inputs in addition to the replies from Alan. 


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Rob Wilton (rwilton) <rwil...@cisco.com>
> Envoyé : lundi 19 décembre 2022 17:53
> À : draft-ietf-opsawg-add-encrypted-dns....@ietf.org
> Cc : opsawg@ietf.org
> Objet : AD review of draft-ietf-opsawg-add-encrypted-dns-07
> Hi,
> Thanks for this document.  Here are my AD review comments for
> draft-ietf-opsawg-add-encrypted-dns-07
> Moderate level comments:
> (1) p 2, sec 1.  Introduction
>    This document specifies two new RADIUS attributes: DHCPv6-
> Options
>    (Section 3.1) and DHCPv4-Options (Section 3.2) Attributes.
> These
>    attributes can include DHCP options that are listed under the
>    registries that are created in Sections 8.4.1 and 8.4.1.  These
> two
>    attributes are specified in order to accommodate both IPv4 and
> IPv6
>    deployment contexts while taking into account the constraints
> in
>    Section 3.4 of [RFC6158].
> It isn't really clear to me why some of the registries are needed,
> specifically the ones in 8.4.1 and 8.4.2.  Why not allow any v4 or
> v6 DHCP attribute to be carried within the DHCPv6-Options or
> DHCPv4-Options field?

[Med] We considered that design but we went with the current approach to 
address a concern from DHC WG (see 
https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/opsawg/7GzmUQbpqett2V0GSlhPY6AL6t0/ and 
follow-ups). Some options do not make sense to encapsulate them. 

> (2) p 4, sec 3.  DHCP Options RADIUS Attributes
>    Absent any explicit configuration on the DHCP server, RADIUS
> supplied
>    data by means of DHCP*-Options Attributes take precedence over
> any
>    local configuration.
> This point may be worth discussing.  Naturally, I would explicit
> configuration to a network device to generally take precedent over
> implicitly learned configuration from the network.

[Med] Alan addressed this one. 

> (3) p 6, sec 3.2.  DHCPv4-Options Attribute
>       Permitted DHCPv4 options in the DHCPv4-Options Attribute are
>       maintained by IANA in the registry created in Section 8.4.2.
> Comparing this text to the description for v6, this description is
> silent on whether multiple instances of the same DHCPv4 option MAY
> be included.  Should that be specified here?

[Med] There are some DHCPv4 specifics. Added this NEW text to explicit the 

  Multiple instances
  of the same DHCPv4 option MAY be included, especially for
  concatenation-requiring options that exceed the maximum DHCPv4
  option size of 255 octets.  The mechanism specified in [RFC3396]
  MUST be used for splitting and concatenating the instances of a
  concatenation-requiring option.

> (4) p 10, sec 7.  Table of Attributes
>    The following table provides a guide as what type of RADIUS
> packets
>    that may contain these attributes, and in what quantity.
> Am I right that this is just a duplication of what is described in
> section 3?  If so, perhaps change "guide" to "informative guide"
> and include text to refer back to the  canonical definition in
> section 3.

[Med] Alan clarified this point.  

> (5) p 13, sec 8.4.3.  Guidelines for the Designated Experts
>    Registration requests that are undetermined for a period longer
> than
>    28 days can be brought to the IESG's attention for resolution.
> I'm wondering whether we need the process related text in this
> document at all, or whether we let IANA apply their standard
> policies?  I may be misinformed, but I'm not aware of many *-
> review mailing lists.

[Med] The latest I'm aware of is 

> (6) p 15, sec 10.2.  Informative References
>    [I-D.ietf-add-dnr]
>               Boucadair, M., Reddy, T., Wing, D., Cook, N., and T.
>               Jensen, "DHCP and Router Advertisement Options for
> the
>               Discovery of Network-designated Resolvers (DNR)",
> Work in
>               Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-add-dnr-13, 13
> August
>               2022, <https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-
> add-dnr-
>               13.txt>.
> Should this be a normative reference?  E.g., if feels like the
> IANA registry values are bound to whatever is published in ietf-
> add-dnr.

[Med] 144/162 are permanent IANA assignments. Please note that the IANA section 
says the following:    

   The initial content of this sub-registry is listed in Table 5.  The
   reference may include the document that registers the option or the
   document that specifies the option. 

IANA registries are authoritative here as well. 

> Minor level comments:
> (7) p 2, sec 1.  Introduction
>    With the advent of encrypted DNS (e.g., DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)
>    [RFC8484], DNS-over-TLS (DoT) [RFC7858], or DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ)
>    [RFC9250]), additional means are required to provision hosts
> with
>    network-designated encrypted DNS.  To fill that void,
>    [I-D.ietf-add-dnr] leverages existing protocols such as DHCP
> and IPv6
>    Router Advertisement to provide hosts with the required
> information
>    to connect to an encrypted DNS resolver.  However, there are no
>    RADIUS attributes that can be used to populate the discovery
> messages
>    discussed in [I-D.ietf-add-dnr].  The same concern is likely to
> be
>    encountered for future services that are configured using DHCP.
> >From this introduction, I thought that this would be covering
> options for both DHCP and ND, but it looks like only DHCP is
> covered.  Perhaps this introduction text could be tweaked slightly
> to make this clearer?

[Med] Removed the ND mention. 

> (8) p 3, sec 3.  DHCP Options RADIUS Attributes
>    These attributes use the "Long Extended Type" format in order
> to
>    permit the transport of attributes encapsulating more than 253
> octets
>    of data.  DHCP options that can be included in the DHCP*-
> Options
>    RADIUS attributes are limited by the maximum packet size of
> 4096
>    bytes.  In order to accommodate deployments with large options,
>    implementations are RECOMMENDED to support a packet size up to
> 65535
>    bytes.
> I didn't find this text clear.  E.g., limit is 4k but should
> support up to 64K.  Which implementations should support larger
> packet sizes?  Is this RADIUS implementations?

[Med] Yes, this is about RADIUS implementations. Updated the text accordingly. 
Also added a note to refer to some recent RFCs that relaxed the 4096 limit. 

> (9) p 5, sec 3.1.  DHCPv6-Options Attribute
>       This field contains a list of DHCPv6 options.  Multiple
> instances
>       of the same DHCPv6 option MAY be included.  Consistent with
>       Section 17 of [RFC7227], this document does not impose any
> option
>       order when multiple options are present.
> Is there any requirement to merge multiple instances of options
> together, presumably they are logically just concatenated today.

[Med] No new requirements are needed here. We rely on existing DHCPv6 encoding 

> (10) p 5, sec 3.1.  DHCPv6-Options Attribute
>       Permitted DHCPv6 options in the DHCPv6-Options Attribute are
>       maintained by IANA in the registry created in Section 8.4.1.
> As per above, presumably there isn't just an DHCPv6 options
> registry that can be reused rather than needing a separate one to
> be setup and maintained.

[Med] Not sure to see if/which change is needed here. 

> (11) p 6, sec 4.1.  Context
>    The RADIUS Attributes suboption [RFC4014] enables a DHCPv4
> relay
>    agent to pass identification and authorization attributes
> received
>    during RADIUS authentication to a DHCPv4 server.  However,
> [RFC4014]
>    defines a frozen set of RADIUS attributes that can be included
> in
>    such a suboption.  This limitation is suboptimal in contexts
> where
>    new services are deployed (e.g., support of encrypted DNS
>    [I-D.ietf-add-dnr]).
> I like 'suboptimal', very diplomatic. ;-)
> (12) p 8, sec 5.  Applicability to Encrypted DNS Provisioning
>          Figure 1: An Example of RADIUS IPv6 Encrypted DNS
> Exchange
> As a minor comment, I wonder whether it would be helpful to also
> include RADIUS client in the NAS box description?

[Med] No problem. Done. 

> (13) p 12, sec 8.4.1.  DHCPv6
>    IANA is requested to create a new sub-registry entitled "DHCPv6
>    Options Permitted in the RADIUS DHCPv6-Options Attribute" in
> the
>    "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)"
> registry
> Do we need to define the definition of columns for this (and the
> v4 equivalent) registries.  E.g., do the values need to match
> another registry?

[Med] Added a note. 

> (14) p 12, sec 8.4.1.  DHCPv6
>                       Table 4: Initial DHCPv6 Options
>                           Permitted in the RADIUS
>                           DHCPv6-Options Attribute
> Is 144 (and 162 for v4) a permanent IANA assignment?  Or should
> the value be bound to that allocated by draft-ietf-add-dnr.

[Med] This is a permanent IANA assignment. 

> Nit level comments:
> (15) p 2, sec 1.  Introduction
>    This document specifies two new RADIUS attributes: DHCPv6-
> Options
>    (Section 3.1) and DHCPv4-Options (Section 3.2) Attributes.
> These
>    attributes can include DHCP options that are listed under the
>    registries that are created in Sections 8.4.1 and 8.4.1.  These
> two
>    attributes are specified in order to accommodate both IPv4 and
> IPv6
>    deployment contexts while taking into account the constraints
> in
>    Section 3.4 of [RFC6158].
> Nit, "Sections 8.4.1 and 8.4.1", presumably should be 8.4.1 and
> 8.4.2?

[Med] Fixed. 

> Regards,
> Rob


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