Hi Daniele,

apologies for the late reply.

I think inventory is somewhat orthogonal to this, but of course devices and equipment (including chassis, line cards, equipment holders etc) will be considered part of inventory.   Therefore via transitive closure it is certainly conceivable to make power consumption data accessible via inventory.  This could make sense as part of a consolidated controller view of a network.  However, on a network element itself, the network inventory aspect would not apply but the metrics should still be available so the device/equipment level category still applies.  As to whether device level data should be replicated as part of network inventory data  would presumably depend on the use case.

--- Alex

On 7/26/2023 6:35 PM, Daniele Ceccarelli (dceccare) wrote:

Hi Alex, all,

Just following up on the comment I did ad the mic earlier today.

The drafts speaks about metrics at: device/equipment level, flow level, path level, network level.

The  device/equipment level covers power consumption per chassis, line card and port at different loads of traffic, hence IMO should fall into the inventory category.

Would you agree?


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