On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 9:13 AM, Joe Clarke <
jclarke=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> With this work being adopted, the chairs would like to request someone to
> step forward to serve as shepherd when the document moves to LC.  There has
> been a recent discussion between all WG chairs that ideal shepherds are
> those that are not authors and have a vested interest in the work and can
> both defend it and help to keep it moving through the process.

Just as a quick followup to this:
Yes, it would be great if we can have volunteers from the WG serve as
shepherds. It provides a whole bunch of benefits, including:
1: An additional set of (focused) eyes on the document.

2: It provides people with significant "behind the curtains" exposure - you
get to see how the sausage is actually made

3: It provides a further backstop to confirm that the process was correctly
followed (there does indeed seem to be consensus, the check and balances
were all checked and balanced, etc).

4: It provides you with a taste of chairing, but with less work.

If you are even considering ever chairing a WG, you can get a good head
start by shepherding a few documents — ADs are likely to be more supportive
if you've already demonstrated skill and judgment by doing so.


Additionally, chairs are *not* ideal shepherds.
> If you would like to raise your hand for this work, let us know.  Authors,
> if you know of someone that would be good give us the name or have them
> reach out.
> Thanks.
> Joe
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