Hi Rob, 

Thanks for the review. 

I agree having an example is useful to avoid that bit offset is interpreted as 
bit value. 

We do having the following in the introduction to basically say that we are 
echoing what is in RFC9293 about the meaning of offet: 

   Also, Section 6 of [RFC9293] introduces
   "Bit Offset" to ease referencing each header flag's offset within the
   16-bit aligned view of the TCP header (Figure 1 of [RFC9293]).

A PR to take into account your review can be seen at: 
https://github.com/boucadair/-ipfix-rfc7125-update/pull/4/files. Please let me 
know if any further change is needed.


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Rob Wilton (rwilton) <rwil...@cisco.com>
> Envoyé : mercredi 11 octobre 2023 16:39
> À : opsawg@ietf.org; draft-ietf-opsawg-rfc7125-update....@ietf.org
> Objet : AD review of draft-ietf-opsawg-rfc7125-update-03
> Hi Med, WG,
> Here is my AD review of draft-ietf-opsawg-rfc7125-update-03.
> Moderate level comments:
> (1) p 3, sec 3.  The tcpControlBits Information Element
>       If exported as a single octet with reduced-size encoding, this
>       Information Element covers the low-order octet of this field
>       (i.e., bit offset positions 8 to 15) [TCP-FLAGS].  A collector
>       receiving this Information Element with reduced-size encoding
> must
>       not assume anything about the content of the four bits with bit
>       offset positions 4 to 7.
> I find that I'm somewhat confused as to which octet is low-order or
> high-order and whether the actual TCP flags are indexed from 0 to 7 or
> 8 to 15, and hence what actual bit order the fields are within the
> exported IPFIX field.  I think that it would be very helpful, possibly
> by an example, to ensure that no-one can interpret this the wrong way.
> E.g.,
> https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.
> ibm.com%2Fdocs%2Fen%2Fnpi%2F1.3.0%3Ftopic%3Dversions-ipfix-
> information-
> elements&data=05%7C01%7Cmohamed.boucadair%40orange.com%7Cb6a953e85efa4
> 074878808dbca67cfdc%7C90c7a20af34b40bfbc48b9253b6f5d20%7C0%7C0%7C63832
> 6319436299870%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2lu
> MzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=Ya911%2BVKxHs
> NYQRvDhVrlN3IpoLbcmI56et409w%2F0sA%3D&reserved=0, indexes FIN as
> having bit value 0x0001, but the TCP Header Flags registry indicates
> that the Bit Offset is 15, so I would naturally assume that it has the
> value 1 << 15 ...  Would having some text to clarify this help?  And
> perhaps a concrete example of what would be exported, to illustrate
> the point?
> Minor level comments:
> (2) p 0, sec
>    RFC 7125 revised the tcpControlBits IP Flow Information Export
>    (IPFIX) Information Element that was originally defined in RFC 5102
>    to reflect changes to the TCP header control bits since RFC 793.
>    However, that update is still problematic for interoperability
>    because some flag values were deprecated since then.
> Suggest: "... because some flag values have subsequently been
> deprecated."
> Nit level comments:
> (3) p 0, sec
>    This document removes stale information from the IPFIX registry and
>    avoiding future conflicts with the authoritative TCP Header Flags
>    registry.
> I suggest s/avoiding/avoids/
> Regards,
> Rob

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