Earlier this week, we posted a new draft that introduces a data model for power 
and energy related metrics :

The focus is mainly on runtime information provided by power sensors, but also 
an extension to other related metrics and given attributes that will complement 
the representation of the energy consumed by the network device, implemented in 
hardware or software, as well as by specific network components.
This is a first-version approach where we see still challenges based on 
Note: Some of those challenges are covered on Jan`s draft: 

Along with POWEFF draft, we’ve also updated the version of the Sustainability 
Insights draft:
where we introduced an updated architecture reference diagram, that provides a 
more structured view of the functional blocks that might be part of where those 
attributes and metrics might be produced, processed, visualized, etc. We also 
have reviewed and added Use Cases that such framework could drive.

We greatly appreciate your thoughts and comments.

Many thanks,
Marisol Palmero

From: <>
Date: Friday, 20 October 2023 at 17:45
To: Gonzalo Salgueiro (gsalguei) <>, Jan Lindblad (jlindbla) 
<>, Marisol Palmero Amador (mpalmero) <>, 
Snezana Mitrovic (snmitrov) <>
Subject: New Version Notification for draft-opsawg-poweff-00.txt
A new version of Internet-Draft draft-opsawg-poweff-00.txt has been
successfully submitted by Marisol Palmero and posted to the
IETF repository.

Name:     draft-opsawg-poweff
Revision: 00
Title:    Power and Energy Efficiency
Date:     2023-10-20
Group:    Individual Submission
Pages:    37


   This document motivates and specifies a data model to report power
   and energy efficiency of an asset.  As highlighted during the IAB
   workshop on environmental impacts
   impacts-report-00), visibility is a very important first step
   (paraphrasing Peter Drucker's mantra of "You cannot improve what you
   don't measure").  During the workshop the need for standardized
   metrics was established, to avoid proprietary, double counting and
   even contradictory metrics across vendors.

   This Power and Energy Efficiency Telemetry Specification (POWEFF) is
   required to promote consistency across vendors and consumers, based
   on: 1.  The definition of datasets and attributes defining a common
   data model utilized by the standard calculation to yield power and
   energy efficiency value for any asset or network element.  2.  The
   standard calculations utilizing the specified datasets and attributes
   which will yield energy consumption and energy efficiency value for
   any asset or network element.

   The model provides information and data requirements for calculating
   the Power and Energy Efficiency for specific assets.  Assets can
   include hardware (physical or virtual), software, applications, or

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