Hi Randy,

Please see inline …

From: Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com>
Date: Thursday, 18 January 2024 at 19:45
To: Rob Wilton (rwilton) <rwil...@cisco.com>
Cc: draft-ietf-opsawg-9092-update....@ietf.org 
<draft-ietf-opsawg-9092-update....@ietf.org>, Mahesh Jethanandani 
<mjethanand...@gmail.com>, Ops Area WG <opsawg@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: AD review of draft-ietf-opsawg-9092-update-08
hi rob,

thanks for review.  appreciated.

No problem.

> (1) p 4, sec 3.  inetnum: Class
>    Any particular inetnum: object SHOULD have, at most, one geofeed
>    reference, whether a remarks: or a proper geofeed: attribute when it
>    is implemented.  If there is more than one, the geofeed: attribute
>    SHOULD be used.
> I don't find this text as clear as it could be.  Given the
> recommendation is to have a single geofeed reference, then I think
> that it would be helpful to provide guidance as to what format that
> geofeed reference should take.  I.e., I presume that the geofeed
> reference SHOULD also use the geofeed: attribute format if the RIR
> supports it or the remarks attribute otherwise?

        Any particular inetnum: object SHOULD have, at most, one geofeed
        reference, whether a remarks: or a proper geofeed: attribute
        when it is implemented.  A geofeed: attribute is preferred, of
        course, if the RIR supports it.  If there is more than one type
        of attribute in the intetnum: object, the geofeed: attribute
        SHOULD be used.


> (2) p 9, sec 6.  Operational Considerations
>    The geofeed files MUST be published via and fetched using HTTPS
>    [RFC9110].
> Also note you have a similiar RFC 2119 statement in section 4, and I
> wonder whether it would be clearer to only have the formal requirement
> listed in one place and referenced from the other place?

sure.  removed the one in §4


> (3) p 9, sec 6.  Operational Considerations
>    The geofeed files MUST be published via and fetched using HTTPS
>    [RFC9110].
> It is interesting that the geofeed files MUST be fetched using HTTPS,
> but earlier the RIR's FTP SHOULD be used to gather the geofeed
> references.  Presumably if the RIR data was available via HTTPS that
> could also be used?

this refers to RIRs providing *bulk* ftp, i.e. get the whole shebang in
one slurp.  can not do that for the geofeed files that are referenced.
xref GEOFEED-FINDER does provide bulk retrieval of the geofeed files.

Ack.  Okay.

> (4) p 11, sec 9.  Security Considerations
>    The consumer of geofeed data SHOULD fetch and process the data
>    themselves.  Importing datasets produced and/or processed by a third-
>    party places ill-advised trust in the third-party.
> This feels like quite a strong statement to make, and I wonder whether
> it won't be better to just point out the risks of using a third-party
> and then allow the reader to decide whether to accept that risk?

that is why it is SHOULD not MUST, tempting though a MUST may be.  there
is a general problem of lack of understanding of trust boundaries in a
lot of these ops data.  if you do not mind, i think we would leave it


> (5) p 7, sec 5.  Authenticating Geofeed Data (Optional)
>    Identifying the private key associated with the certificate and
>    getting the department that controls the private key (which might be
>    stored in a Hardware Security Module (HSM)) to generate the CMS
>    signature is left as an exercise for the implementor.  On the other
>    hand, verifying the signature has no similar complexity; the
>    certificate, which is validated in the public RPKI, contains the
>    needed public key.  The RPKI trust anchors for the RIRs are expected
>    to already be available to the party performing signature validation.
>    Validation of the CMS signature over the geofeed file involves:
> involves: => "involves the following steps:", or you need to change
> back Obtain ... => Obtaining ..., etc.

sharp eye there.  i went with obtaining; gerundification :)

Okay.  You obviously need to change the tense of the action verb in the rest of 
the list.

want me to push this as a -09, or let it mellow?

Please push -09, and I’ll push to the IETF LC.


again, thanks.

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