Reviewer: Martin Björklund
Review result: Ready with Issues

Here is my YANG doctor's review of draft-ietf-opsawg-ntw-attachment-circuit-04.

o  There are several typedefs defined on the form:

  typedef attachment-circuit-reference {
    type leafref {
      path "/nw:networks/nw:network/nw:node/ac-ntw:ac/ac-ntw:name";

  Note that this path spans three lists (network, node, ac).  Unless
  it is guaranteed that the `ac-ntw:ame` value is unique within all
  networks and all nodes, this typedef won't work (or rather, it may
  refer to more than one ac).

o typedef ac-profile-reference {
    type leafref {
      path "/nw:networks/nw:network/ac-profile/name";

  The nodes should have prefixes:

      path "/nw:networks/nw:network/ac-ntw:ac-profile/ac-ntw:name";

o   leaf site-of-origin {
      when "../address-family = 'vpn-common:ipv4' "
         + "or 'vpn-common:dual-stack'" {

    leaf ipv6-site-of-origin {
      when "../address-family = 'vpn-common:ipv6' "
         + "or 'vpn-common:dual-stack'" {

   Use 'derived-from-or-self' instead of comparison.

o  Some lists have plural-names: routing-profiles, ipv4-lan-prefixes,
   ipv6-lan-prefixes.  Usually lists should have singular names.

o typedef encryption-profile-reference {
      "Defines a type to an encryption profile for referencing

  Perhaps "Defines a reference to an encryption profile"?

  (Same for 4 more typedefs)


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