Hi Alan, 

Please see one comment inline. 


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : OPSAWG <opsawg-boun...@ietf.org> De la part de Alan DeKok
> Envoyé : mardi 23 avril 2024 17:20
> À : opsawg <opsawg@ietf.org>
> Objet : Re: [OPSAWG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-opsawg-tacacs-tls13-
> 07.txt
>   Some comments on the latest draft:
> 2.1. Obfuscation
>       ... The algorithm is categorized as Obfuscation in Section
> 10.5.2 of [RFC8907]. The term should be interpreted to mean
> "plaintext"
>   I wouldn't call it "plaintext", as it's not.  Perhaps instead
> just drop the "interpreted to mean plaintext" portion.
> 2.2
>       ... using unsecure TACACS+ authentication and obfuscation
>   "insecure" instead of "unsecure".
> 3.1
>       ... All data exchanged by TACACS+ peers MUST be encrypted,
> Perhaps explicitly say that TLS cipher suites with NULL
> encryption are banned.  This is a little more quantitative.
>       ... they will be deployed on different ports. Due to the
> widespread use of default port number settings in numerous
> existing TACACS+ client configurations, a well-known system
> TCP/IP port number will be requested from IANA.
>   Perhaps just say "uses port TBD", and leave the IANA
> instructions in a separate IANA section.
>   i.e. the final RFC doesn't need to contain text on "port will
> be requested from IANA"
> 3.2
>       ... Why it closed has no bearing on TLS resumption, unless
> closed by a TLS error, in which case the ticket might be
> invalidated.
>   "might" seems wrong here.  If there is a TLS error, the server
> generally should discard any session tickets.  While RFC 8446
> doesn't say this, I'm not clear if there are any use-cases for
> resuming sessions which (for example) had previously failed with
> fatal TLS errors.
> 3.2.2.
>    Are there any considerations for which CA to use, or what kind
> of CA to use?
> 4
>       [RFC8907] describes the obfuscation mechanism, documented in
> Section 5.2 of [RFC5425].
>   The reference to 5425 seems wrong.
>       ... Non-TLS connections should not be used for new TACACS+
> deployments.
>   Maybe SHOULD NOT?
>       ... It is NOT RECOMMENDED to deploy TACACS+ wi
>   I think this should be a MUST NOT

[Med] I don't think the normative language is justified here as it will be 
redundant with this part:

   It is NOT RECOMMENDED to deploy TACACS+ without TLS authentication
   and encryption, including TLS using the NULL algorithm, except for
   within test and debug environments.  

NOT RECOMMENDED is right as there is a clear exception called out.

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