Dear authors,

I finally got some time to read the draft. 
I have the same comment as Greg, Standard track seems more appropriate.

Also, I have also read RFC9341 and Alt-Mark can also compute the delay between 
the ingress interface and the egress interface within a single node (node 
I have done a quick research on the IPFIX registry, AFAIK, the only delays 
defined in that registry are from the current work from 
draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-on-path-telemetry. Yet this delay is between the 
encapsulating node and the local node.
I wonder if it is worth defining an IE for the delay between the ingress and 
the egress interface within a single node.
I would imagine an implementation able to monitor both interfaces and just 
exporting the average delay directly from the node (or even the mean, max, min 
as draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-on-path-telemetry are doing).
Any thoughts about this?

Other than that, I think the draft is well written and it explains clearly why 
these IEs are necessary for IPFIX.


> On 25 Apr 2024, at 17:19, Greg Mirsky <> wrote:
> Dear, Authors et al.,
> thank you for your continued work on the Alternate Marking method. In my 
> opinion, draft-gfz-opsawg-ipfix-alt-mark provides an essential IEs making the 
> use of IPFIX operationally viable option for the Alternate Marking method. 
> While I've read the document, it seems that its current track, Informational, 
> may not be consistent with the request for specific actions from IANA. Could 
> it be that the Standard track is more appropriate for the draft?
> Regards,
> Greg
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