Dear colleagues

Sorry for the delay in sending this out (*).

1. Side meeting:

We had an IMHO very fruitful side-meeting about enterprise scenario and 
deployment aspects @ IETF119.
I wanted to thank everybody who attended, contributed to the very interesting 
discussions at the end,
but primarily the great presenters! 

Slides of the side meeting and the recording are now reachable from the 
following wiki page:

2. Mailing list

As discussed during the side meeting, and seeing how participants supported the 
idea, we did ask for
the mailing list "" to allow continue discussions about 
enterprise deployments and
scenarios - which are not specific to technologies better handled by existing 
WG/RG or other non-wg mailing lists.

But also maybe over time the list can help for other work to get feedback from 
a broader audience of
enterprise operators/SP if those feel it is worth joining the mailing list. And 
hopefully we can also
help answer questions to IETF newcomers from enterprises.

So, thanks a lot to Mahesh for approving the mailing list. If you are 
interested to join the list,
and are not already subscribed, please subscribe here:

3. Wiki page:

I have also set up a wiki page for the list where everybody is welcome to 
information felt relevant for the subject matter:

As mentioned above, we have included the info about the side meeting for now.


(*) Btw: The delay was caused primarily by trying to figure out how to fix up a 
broken .webex recording
file that i was left with at the end of the side meeting. Took quite a bit of 
editing. Suggestion:
never use local recording with webex, but always only cloud recording - if you 
do not want to run into
similar issues.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 10:47:38PM +0100, Toerless Eckert wrote:
> Dear colleagues @ IETF119
> We hereby invite you for a public side meeting to hear from Enterprise and SP 
> Enterprise Services
> participants about any enterprise networking specific scenarios and 
> deployment problems for which you are
> interested to find interest in the IETF, or would like to question other 
> participants about -
> and you have not found a fitting WG/RG to do the work in, or would wike to 
> reach out to a broader enterprise
> community.
> We thought this might be of interest to brainstorm topics before they may be 
> ripe for a WG, and also because
> existing WGs may either by alreadying having full agendas with broader scope 
> or do not cover
> (all of) the desired enterprise scope.
> The meeting is scheduled Thursday March 21st in P6-7, 8:00 - 9:30 AM and is 
> listed in the IETF119 side
> meeting wiki:
> We will also use the side meeting webex, so you can attend remotely (or if 
> the room becomes too crowded).
> We have received a few 10 minute talks for specific enterprise 
> deployment/scenario topics
> that hopefully are of interest to the community, but would like to spend a 
> good amount of agenda time
> for open discussions and contributions.
> Please check the side meeting notes page for curent logistics and agenda:
> A the time of this invite, we have the following talks scheduled:
>   - (remote) Jordi Paillisse Vilanova, Universitat de Girona, 10 min
>       "LISP use in Enterprises" [ACM 
> paper](
>   - (remote) Bo She, Xi'an Jiaotong University, "Campus network deployment in 
> Xi'an Jiaotong University", 10 min
>   -  Xinxin Yi, China Unicom, "Enterprise private line service, scenarios and 
> further requrements", 10 min
>   -  Qiangzhou Gao, Huawei, "APN-based QoE assurance for enterprise video 
> conferencing", 10 min
> Let us know if you too have specific topics you would like to talk about < 10 
> minutes, and
> we may still be able to fit them into the agenda.
> Please feel free to contact us via email:, 
> -- 
> ---


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