Hi Joe, Luis, all,

I agree with Joe's assessment for these refs. Submitted right now a new version 
to address the review from Luis.

As a bonus, also added another example to show how the model is powerful in 
covering another deployment case.


De : Joe Clarke (jclarke) <jcla...@cisco.com>
Envoyé : mercredi 29 mai 2024 12:49
À : BOUCADAIR Mohamed INNOV/NET <mohamed.boucad...@orange.com>; LUIS MIGUEL 
CONTRERAS MURILLO <luismiguel.contrerasmuri...@telefonica.com>; opsawg@ietf.org
Cc : draft-ietf-opsawg-teas-attachment-circ...@ietf.org
Objet : Re: Sheperd write-up for for YANG Data Models for Bearers and 
'Attachment Circuits'-as-a-Service (ACaaS) 

Thank you, Luis for the review and for agreeing to act as shepherd.  I read 
through your write-up and this diff.  I see you called out the IEEE802.1AX and 
IEEE802.1AB references, but I do not see that addressed in this diff or 
discussed here.

I don't like sending up drafts that have identified or potentially identified 
issues if it can be avoided.  In my reading of this draft, I feel these IEEE 
standards are informative in that I don't need to understand them to be able to 
implement this YANG module.  It sounds like you feel differently, Luis?


From: mohamed.boucad...@orange.com<mailto:mohamed.boucad...@orange.com> 
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 04:48
Subject: [OPSAWG]Re: Sheperd write-up for for YANG Data Models for Bearers and 
'Attachment Circuits'-as-a-Service (ACaaS) 
Hi Luis,

Thank you for the review.

Please see a diff to track the changes at: Diff: 
draft-ietf-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit.txt - 

Please let us know if any further change is needed.

See inline for more context.


Envoyé : lundi 27 mai 2024 16:55
À : opsawg@ietf.org<mailto:opsawg@ietf.org>
Cc : 
Objet : Sheperd write-up for for YANG Data Models for Bearers and 'Attachment 
Circuits'-as-a-Service (ACaaS) (draft-ietf-opsawg-teas-attachment-circuit)

Dear authors,

With some delay (apologies for that), I have provided the shepherd's review of 

The review is available here: 
[Med] Thanks. I guess the writeup can indicate that this spec was presented to 
TEAS and that it was WGLCed there as well. Thanks.

Apart from the review provided I have some comments / suggestions / 
clarification questions:

·         The title quotes 'Attachment Circuits', while in the text is not 
quoted at all. Probably better to follow the same approach always.
[Med] It is quoted to make as-a-service refers to the AC, not circuit. Changed 
one occurrence in the main text for consistency.

·         Scope section refers to ancillary nodes, but the document does not 
include any definition of what an ancillary node refers to
[Med] Ancillary is used in reference to a connectivity service. An example is 

·         Section 1.1: s/... while the underlying link is referred to as 
"bearers" /... while the underlying link is referred to as "bearer"
[Med] ACK.

·         Regarding the terminology to Network Slice service, not clear if 
should be prefixed as IETF Network Slice service (or not). Necessary to be 
aligned with the criteria that could be defined in TEAS WG.
[Med] ACK, although the AC can be used for other slice types.

·         The document includes references to the other attachment circuit 
documents. I guess all these references should be updated to the corresponding 
RFC during the publication process. It could be interesting to add a note for 
the RFC editors to note this fact.
[Med] I don't think a note is needed here because the set of I-Ds will progress 
as a cluster. The RFC Editor will take care of that. Thanks.

·         Section 2. Definition of Bearer. It is stated that one or multiple 
technologies can be used to build a bearer. It is not clear what are the 
implications of this. Does it imply concatenation? The YANG model describe 
applies to bearer from multiple technologies concatenated? An example of this 
would be beneficial.
[Med] Added the example of LAG.

·         Section 4.1, last paragraph about protection. It is mentioned that 
the customer may request protection schemes when endpoints are terminated by 
the same PE, but the customer in principle does not have any view of the 
provider network. Is that right? If so, how the customer knows that endpoints 
are on the same PE?
[Med] The customer indicates that type, without calling it out a specific PE. 
Updated the text to make it clear that the provider will select the PE.

·         Section 4.2. s/ This includes the flow put in place for the 
provisioning of network services ... / This includes the workflow put in place 
for the provisioning of network services ...
[Med] Sure. Done.

·         Sentence above Figure 3. s/Figure 3 shows the positioning of the AC 
service model is the overall ... /Figure 3 shows the positioning of the AC 
service model in the overall ...
[Med] ACK.

·         The ietf-bearer-svc model has associated a customer-name. Does it 
mean that the bearer is bound to only one customer? Why a bearer is associated 
to a customer? What about the case of a shared medium (e.g., wifi link)?
[Med] This data node is optional. Even for WLAN, a customer may be associated 
with a channel.

·         I think it is already reflected in the security considerations, but 
the reference of bearer or AC to customer could create privacy risks.
[Med] Yes

·         Bearer-parent-ref, AC-parent-ref. Probably the notion of parent 
should be defined in terminology section.
[Med] Done.

·         'test-only' can be a source of attacks and privacy risks. Probably it 
should be discussed in the security considerations.
[Med] Updated accordingly.

·         The full tree is documented in [AC-svc-tree] which is a personal 
report. I think it would be necessary to guarantee persistency on this by 
moving this to an IETF repository (or even the wiki).

·         Below Figure 5, It is mentioned that each AC is identified with a 
unique name within a domain. Are we considering here administrative domains? 
Unique within a service provider? Which kind of domains apply to this 
[Med] We meant provide domain. Updated accordingly.

·         The following paragraph mentions that the AC service model uses 
groupings and types defined in the AC common model. It would be convenient to 
list what groupings and types are used, so that it is evident to the reader 
those. This also would help to identify future augmentations or modifications.
[Med] Added a list.

·         Figure 6, valid-provider-identifiers.
[Med] Can you please clarify the comment here? Thanks.

·         'peer-SAP'. Since the document covers both perspectives (customer one 
and service provider one) it could be confusing in some cases the notion of 
peer-SAP. So it could be clarifying in some cases to refer to it as peer-SAP 
from the customer perspective, and so on.
[Med] Good point. Added a clarification this is from the perspective of the 
provider network.

Apologies again for the delay, hope the comments are helpful.

Best regards

Luis M. Contreras

Transport & IP Networks
Systems and Network Global Direction
Telefónica I+D / CTIO unit / Telefónica

Distrito Telefónica, Edificio Sur 3, Planta 3
28050 Madrid
España / Spain

Mobile: +34 680 947 650


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