Hi, Barry,

Thanks so much for your feedback! Please find my comment in-line...

On 08/14/2015 07:14 PM, Barry Leiba wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nice document you have here.  Just two really small comments, neither of
> which needs any response, and both of which you can ignore if you
> prefer.
> An observation: Three times, you say that something is "obvious", and
> this can come across as condescending -- and can be frustrating to a
> reader for whom it isn't obvious.  I suggest omitting that, so 
> - In Section, change "Firstly, as it should be obvious from the
> algorithm described above" to "Firstly, as shown by the algorithm
> described above".
> - In Section, change "For obvious reasons, the search space for
> addresses following" to "The search space for addresses following".
> - In Section 3.3, change "Obviously, a number of other network
> reconnaissance vectors" to "A number of other network reconnaissance
> vectors".

Will update. Thanks!

> -- Section --
> An observation, for which the response is probably "everyone knows this,
> so no change is needed," but please think about it for a fleeting
> moment:
>    1.  The "Universal" bit (bit 6, from left to right) of the address is
>        set to 1
> Bit 6, starting from 0, or from 1?  The answer (which I can see from the
> example) is "starting from 0."

Yes, we assume this to be known.

>    Firstly, as it should be obvious from the algorithm described above,
>    two bytes (bytes 4-5) of the resulting address always have a fixed
>    value (0xff, 0xfe)
> Bytes 4-5, starting from 0 or from 1?  The answer (which I can see from
> the example) is "starting from 1."

Good grief! mm.. how about changing this to "bytes 3-4" -- and also
adding a note regarding how the bytes are numbered?


Best regards,
Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
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