The OPSEC chairs are planning the meeting in Prague at IETF99 (Wednesday 
afternoon it seems) for 90 minute.

If you have a draft you would like to discuss, please send your request for 
agenda time to the OPSEC chairs (including document name + duration requested).

As operational security touches multiple other WG work items, if you have a 
document in another WG, then feel free to present it to OPSEC in order to get 
OPSEC-minded comments/suggestions.

New drafts not discussed on the mailing list prior to the meeting, or drafts 
that do not appear to have support from the working group are unlikely to get 
time at the meeting.

Please have agenda items to us by 2017-07-05.


-éric & -gunter
PS: Remember the draft cut-off date 2017-07-03 (2 weeks before the meeting).

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