The problem (as I understand the question originally asked) was that regardless of TOR (or as you say, FoxyProxy, etc.) that sites can still 'connect' you based on analysis of traffic from multiple time periods.

Eg: doubleclick .. sites A and B have a doubleclick ad. You get the doubleclick cookie (or likely already had it). They then realize that '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' is also the user that sent mail from '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' since the same cookie was associated with your session from Yahoo (via doubleclick) and Hotmail (via doubleclick) -- even though you used TOR to access hotmail.

This is an application problem .. not a tor problem.

This problem is fixed if you close everything and dump cookies/cache before switching to/from TOR and direct-connection .. but there is one other case that I can think of..

Weatherbug. We used this once (former employer) to nail somebody that hacked a dialup account .. they had weatherbug running and didn't realize that once Weatherbug saw the Internet (and it uses the system-wide proxy values) it "called home", complete with the UID of the installation (which is unique to each installation, and in the URL the client requests). A quick examination of their PC matched the UID and bingo .. busted.



Eric H. Jung wrote:
Hi Michael,

Now that I understand I2P, perhaps you can respond to the rest of my email?

The problem you identify does not seem to be any more or less exacerbated by 
FoxyProxy; the
problem, if I understand correctly, exists regardless of whether not one uses 

So when you say "If you can't solve this problem automatically, you should be 
sure to
warn users of these side-effects", I'm not sure why I should warn them. Can you 
explain further?

Thank you,
Eric Jung

--- Michael Holstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Forgive my ignorance. What is I2P?

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