>-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Mr. >Blue
>Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:30 PM
>Subject: List of NODES in IP form


>this is my first post here.

>So, client(user) obtains a list of Tor nodes from a
>directory server.
>Now I'm developing web-apps in PHP 5 and I would like
>someone to tell me, 
>how to get all IPs of those Tor nodes and put them in
>a .txt file.
>(each IP of a node on a new line in .txt file)

I believe all the exit nodes are posted on a web page somewhere.
Found it

>When that .txt file is created my PHP script can start
>utilizing it.

>Thanks for a help in advance....

>Oh, one more question...
>When I use tor and check my IP with some web service,
>it is actualy showing IP of a last node.
>Is that correct? ...or not?
I believe that is correct the last node is an exit node.

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