Also, it would be more logical instead of having this convoluted camera setup (which can be defeated by editing the contents of the tape) to get a very cheap laptop to do all your questionable work on. Then, you can always have it with you to ensure that the data isn't modified. I would also like to add that I read somewhere that the power fluctuations when the laptop charger draws power from the wall can be read and turned into characters (which is just as effective as a keylogger). You might also want to think about using a faraday cage to protect from tempest attacks. Sound like overkill, it is and most of these strategies are. My point here is that there isn't a bulletproof way to keep your government from finding you. The best suggestion I have is to find out about their abilities and always change your security procedures so that they can't predict what you will do. Best of luck comrade!

On 11/15/06, Fabian Keil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for all the reply. I will consider using some of the mentioned
> techniques, maybe a live-cd to defeat key logger.

Remember that a LiveCD doesn't protect you against hardware key loggers.

> I am currently using Privoxy with Tor on Windows XP to make my
> connection anonymous. As I do not wish to filter my web browsing, I
> cleared the following three files so only "Main Configuration" has
> some parameters in it.
> Default Actions
> User Actions
> Filters
> Will this actions affect my anonymous status or it still remains the same?

If you don't enable hide-forwarded-for-headers you are sending your
client's IP address to the web server. If you aren't using NAT,
this will obviously affect your anonymity.

This is probably the biggest issue, but of course most of Privoxy's
features are intended to make user tracking harder; if you disable
them you will be worse off then before, unless you find browser plugins
which do the same.

If you haven't already, you also might want to read Privoxy FAQ
"4.8. Can Privoxy guarantee I am anonymous?":


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