I read in this blog 

in the comment/reply section:

Not meant for privacy             It seems like there's a slight 
misunderstanding here. This setup is not going to anyonymize all of your Skype 
telephony traffic, but will only allow you to tunnel connections to the Skype 
servers through TOR. As such, your peer-to-peer traffic will not be anonymized, 
and even your telephony traffic to the skype servers may be unencrypted. You 
just fake your IP address towards the skype authentication server, that's all.
I do not understand this paragraph.  Doesn't "tunnel connections ... through 
TOR" mean encrypting the traffic, whether voice or text?

If I send a text message in skype through tor, is it or is it not encrypted by 

If I make a skype call through tor, is the voice traffic encrypted by tor?

Finally, please tell me how to configure skype to use tor -- I have confidence 
in tor's protective power :-)

Thanks for replying.

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